
smart playlists based on user defined criteria

Hi Deezer,

I think it would be a great feature to create smart playlists based on user defined criteria

Interface only needs to be a list of dropdown menus and text entries:

example template

Text: Playlist name

dropdown: Artist/Album/Rating/# of listen/date added/ etc…..

comparator dropdown: is/=/!=/>/</is not/contains

Text: user value

add criterion buttons: AND/OR

artist = XXX


artist = YYY


album contains ZZZ


source of data could be either all of deezer or just any song in favorite <union> downloads <union> album <union>  artist

Hi @T.L, I love your idea! Passed this suggestion on to our devs and hopefully it will be implemented soon!

I upvoted this idea and agree it would be a great USP for Deezer to have this. Afaik, currently only Apple Music offers this.