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Add to playlist shortcut

Related products:Features
  • February 8, 2021
  • 5 replies

Product Team

As a user, we all love listening to playlists created for us by Deezer’s very own editors, who spend their days creating and optimising playlists for us all to enjoy. Having said that, should we wish to try our hand at creating our own playlists, whether for ourselves, or for our friends and families to enjoy, we can do so, but we probably have less time on our hands, so we need to be efficient.


With this in mind, we have tidied up the journey for you, to allow you to quickly add that new “banging tune” you have just found for the party you’re hosting at the weekend.


How does it work? It’s simple! Once you have created a playlist, you’re going to want to add a bunch of songs! To do this, simply open the options (three dots) menu of the song wherever you are, and you will find the option to add it directly to your newly created playlist.



NB: If you want to freshen up one of your other playlists, you will need to firstly add a song through the “Add to a playlist” menu, and the next time you want to add a song to this playlist, it will be directly in the options menu!

5 replies

  • Chart topper
  • 2597 replies
  • February 8, 2021

Good day.

Give him a coffee. I mean go and give him a coffee.

Deezer Hard Dance Editor, Antoine.

He made me subscribe to Deezer Premium annually literally on First Day when I was on Deezer Free just testing alternative for closing Google Music. I was low on my lists & low on my budget, needed something to relax, on home page he appeared with his robust Hard Dance playlist I clicked.

I thank you Hard Dance Editor, Antoine for this list still updating.

He is very admirable person and he should be rewarded with a year of coffee at Deezer.

Anything which makes easier to add music is welcomed.

Again may Deezer Hard Dance Editor, Antoine be honoured. I really appreciate his work.

Sure to test this feature out with one of his professionally curated hard dance playlists.

Lucky Star

@Rudi hey!! Icons in the options menu? :D 

Better than nothing.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • March 8, 2021

Where were you? @Martijn.Keymis do they look OK? :grin: 

I miss your suggestions here. Sometimes they get picked up in discussion and I don't even know if you're around.

Lucky Star

Hi @Rudi 

Indeed sorry for the absence... Right now I'm in a very busy education program as nurse. So most of the time I'm either in study books or assignments or sleeping 🤣😪

There are not always notifications around to remind me to log in again haha 🤗 so I really try to remind myself to do so


I do like the icons! One step closer to victory 🥳

Very pleased to see that feedback is used and applied!! Love this app because of this!


Don't mind to give me a tag when something important is happening or being discussed. I'm very curious about the results and future developments! 


Love 💘

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • March 9, 2021

We've got a few big announcements coming up @Martijn.Keymis hope you like them!

Wow, nursing :purple_heart: so much respect for that, I have nurse friends and I know how hard the assignments can be!

I'll be tagging you around then, more often! Would love to see you spending more time here and one day be a Deezer Legend, you're a match :smiley:

Don't study too hard and keep enjoying music on Deezer :smirk:

Love :revolving_hearts:
