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I joined deezer a few years ago because spotify did not have a true shuffle all button. (they do now apparently?)

Now I’m about to leave deezer for the same reason.  Literally the only reason I chose deezer is gone.  

I press shuffle and I get 50ish songs in a playlist, This is fine I should just be able to re-generate if the list finished. right?

But instead I get 5-10/50 that are usually from the previous list.  Then if I generate the list like 4 times I can see the same 20-30 songs pop up 50% of the time.   Then 12 of the 50 are new songs I didn’t like, or have never heard of.

Why only 50?  I bet it takes less computing power to just shuffle my WHOLE liked list.  Then to generate a list of 36-38 and have your AI generate what the other 12-14 songs are they think I’ll like.  Food for thought.

I want the option to be able to be recommended music, when I feel like it.  Not because you guys see it as a feature.  Give me more options.  Not less.  But from what I’ve read around the forums it seems like you guys aren’t going to change this.

You guys even have a slide switch at the top of the playlist that says automated recommendations.  But that’s off, so that obviously doesn’t mean a damn thing.

Basically if the answer to this is.  “We are going to look into that in the future..” , or “Just add everything to a playlist” You’ve lost me.  This used to be a feature that I loved.  Obviously other people loved this too even though it’s not “the majority”  it’s a feature that isn’t hurting anyone. 


I don’t wanna listen to your recommended A.I. pushed B.S.  

Just true shuffle..  Ya know, the button that has existed on every audio player on the computer since winamp?


Anyway, Not trying to be a dick, but I’m just letting you guys know why you’re losing a customer.  I am frustrated this simple feature keeps getting swiped.  Might just start ripping vinyl.  On that note, you guys also started to only support Remaster versions of everything which is annoying as well.


Your search methodology isn’t good either, the navigation is terrible.  deezer really has gone downhill but I stuck it out because you guys had true shuffle.  Oh well.


Have a nice time, doing.. whatever it is you think you are doing!!


After really looking around, I thought this was new.  However most of the time I am listening through my android.


Now I don’t know if the way the shuffle button works in different areas was changed or what.

But I did figure out how to get entire shuffle to work on the android so that’s fine.  But the main reason this came up was because I was starting to use my laptop for work and I do not have the ability to shuffle directly it seems.  Through the panic I realized it was happening on my android.  Not realizing I must have been accessing it through the favorites list by nature.


Anyway I found out I can create the list by going through the android letting it update on the laptop app then using the list to play the entire list on random.


In other words.  Thank you for not completely removing it.  And please do add it on the desktop app! (unless I am missing something and cannot find it)

I would still say the searching needs to be tuned.  I can search for well known songs and still get covers and shit first.

I also would highly suggest there be access to original albums that are not just re-mastered.  Some are just not as good.    


So I’m pretty happy I have not had the carpet slid completely from under me.  Sorry for the panic post!  


P.S. I still feel the way I do about the other shuffle mode that's just before you get completely into the favorites page.  Which does do the semi-random shuffle and added recommendations.  Hate it.  100% hate.  Let me choose if shit gets added.  Because I will once in a while.  I like looking for new music by ways of random and algorithm.  I just don’t like the force.


Thanks guys.  Sorry for the confusion.  But the shuffle button doing two different things in almost the same place isn’t not confusing.

The little shuffle button right after the Favourites word on the Android app actually works like the Shuffle my music button below the Favourites word on the web browser version. They do not just shuffle your favorite songs, but all your favourite tracks, playlists and albums. I have never run into any issues with them.
Maybe you play your Favourite tracks playlist directly, though, because I think both the Automated recommendations and the Turn on Shuffle are not features of the playlists themselves but the listening queue.

Hi @Shockey !

 Like @Marcormark said  Shuffle my music shuffle all your favourite tracksplaylists and albums .


If you want Shuffle only Favourite tracks you need play first song in your favourite tracks and then TURN ON shuffle 


If you want Shuffle only Playlist/Album you need play first song in your playlist/album and then TURN ON shuffle (when is shuffle purple then is turn ON , if is white then is turn OFF) .


Also you can SHUFFLE songs from PLAYLISTS ,ALBUMS and FAVORITES in QUEUE .


Automated recommendations if is turned ON, then after the playlist or album ends, songs based on the recommendations continue to play.
If it is turned OFF, then the music stops at the end of the playlist/album.
Automatic recommendations can be turned ON/OFF on the Deezer desktop app.
I also recommend the Synchronized Queue-list ,then the content of your queue list will be synchronized across all devices.
