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Google Assistant Search track for preview with Android Auto

  • 3 December 2022
  • 1 reply

Using Android Auto with Google Assistant and Deezer to search and play a track.


There is a FAQ on Deezer somewhere where it says Deezer does not accept track searches through AA via voice command.  I don’t know if that’s why I’m having this issue, but it’s annoying because it works partly.

Note, I use a free account, so feel free to tell me below is normal for a free account and I’ll move on.

But I fail to understand why it would be so convoluted  that it almost does not seem like it was designed this way.


  1. Voice Command: Hey Google, play song title by artist on deezer app
  2. Google replies: ok, requesting song / artist on deezer app
  3. Nothing plays on car stereo
  4. When I look at the Deezer app on the phone, it shows the song is previewing (30s preview countdown)
  5. But because AA is managing audio, I can’t hear the preview
  6. If I open the Deezer app on AA in the car console, I can sometimes hear a blip of the preview, before FLOW apparently takes over or plays some random song Deezer is trying to promote to me (not appreciated, but I understand since I use the free account, I shouldn’t complain???)
  7. The problem is obviously that I’m having to do something on the phone to hear the previoew, and it then only plays a few seconds, then goes quiet and continues to countdown anyhway.  If I press on the countdown window, it again plays a blip of the preview on the car speakers, but then goes silent.  If there is a FLOW song pre-seleted, it plays that song instead of going silent


Hello @TestHTC1

Unfortunately we do not support Voice Command on Android Auto,

which is why you are having issues using it :( 

