We're proud to say that since the birth of our Deezer communities, you've been sharing and suggesting the best features and improvements we could ask for - clap if you think of Dark Mode
So for us to get your feedback in the right place, to the right people and in the right way, we need you to follow 3 magic rules
- Before posting an idea: check if it doesn't already exist
Our search engine has become more advanced and thanks to filters, you can easily find out if someone had the same cool idea you've been thinking about
- One topic/thread = one idea: so that it's easier to spot and start a discussion about, keep one suggestion per topic
We can then redirect specific teams to look into one topic about one feature, to keep things simpler and more objective
- Be clear and concise: I can't stress this enough!
Think of a clever and specific title, detail your suggestion within the topic and don't be vague, make sure everyone knows what's all about
Imagine other users looking for the same and finding your idea. They'll vote and our teams will be able to see clearly how many other users want the same
Think about which platform and device the idea applies to as well
The ideas that meet the criteria above and are less of an opinion or general feedback will go through.
Not all ideas will see the light of day, that's true. But we can assure you that our developing teams will be directly informed about them and we'll be always closely following up to ensure there's progress
We're delighted to have your suggestions popping here all the time - it's an essential part of making Deezer a better product for all of you
*topics with suggestions that reflect opinions or small improvements to existing feature will still be discussed here at Deezer but they'll be placed in the Features & Feedback forum, so don't be mad at us if that happens!