
How to claim my Deezer artist page?

How to claim my Deezer artist page?
Userlevel 7
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If you're an artist or partner who would like to have control over your Deezer profile (including bio, pic, social media links), please visit our new Backstage platform here :dvd:

And if it's your first time using it, all you have to do is click on the button 'request access' and follow the steps :musical_note:

Have you already requested access, but you're still waiting? click here :)

If there are any issues please let us know!

12 replies

Hi, i can’t request my artist account to access Deezer backstage, I’m getting this error message everytime, i entered all the right infos though 



Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hi there @Nakuhito 

Thanks for reaching out. Could you please check the topic above for more info?

Let us know if you're still stuck :relaxed:

Я публикую треки на цифровые площадки, и на вашу тоже, мой каталог 120+ треков. Хотел бы запросить Backstage
email removed to protect personal details

Userlevel 7
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Hey @Ваня Mironov 

Thanks for reaching out. Apologies Russian isn't supported here yet.

Please check the topic above for more info :wink:

Userlevel 7
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Hi all!

We're happy to let everyone know we've just launched our brand new Deezer for Creators app!

Hello. I am an artist trying to request access to my artist page. I’m getting an error that says to try later. 
this is my artist page :

Can someone help me get access to my page?

Thank you


Hi, i can’t request my artist account to access Deezer for Creators, My profile does not appear where I uploaded my single. 

My artist profile:


I get the same error message as milliec.

Hello !


I’m trying to claim my profile page :

but can’t find my name on the Deezer For Artist Claim page.

please help me


Userlevel 7
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Hey @sarahmelyne14, id you can’t find the name, 

use your artist id, which is the number on your URL, so: 204464357



I have tried to signup for creator access however i cannot see our artist in the selection options, i believe this has to do with are releases being mixed in with other artists sharing the same name.

Our artist name is LUNG

Our releases are:



Could these be split off into a new artist and can we link our creator login to manage these 2 releases only?


Please help.




Userlevel 7
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Hey @brett.burnell please get in touch with our Deezer Support Team and one of our agents will be able to help with your request
