
Song/Artist/Album isn't on Deezer - What happens if I can't find the music I want?

Song/Artist/Album isn't on Deezer - What happens if I can't find the music I want?
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DEEZER CATALOGUE - something is missing :mag_right:

We're really sorry to know the tracks you love isn't on Deezer. Not all artists and rights' holders choose to add their music on our platform. We always respect their wishes so some music isn't available or might be temporarily removed. 

Some of the reasons for this are: 

RIGHTS' HOLDERS :microphone:

If an artist has a large discography with different rights' holders controlling different albums you can sometimes find gaps in the catalogue - if a certain rights' holder hasn't yet agreed to allow the music they control to be streamed online.

TERRITORY :globe_with_meridians:

Streaming rights are also defined by territory - country, region, location. The tracks that appear in the search box when you're looking for music are the songs that are available in all territories. In a small number of cases, a user in a different country may not have access to different tracks so an "unavailable in your country" message appears when they try to listen to it. 


We're constantly updating and re-negotiating our agreements with rights' holders and thousands of tracks are added to our catalogue every single week.

You can try a couple of things:

  • Add your MP3 collection to Deezer :calling:
  • Contact the artist via their social media channels and request for the tracks/albums to be added to Deezer, we take care of the rest :nerd:


533 replies

Userlevel 2

Please add:

Userlevel 7
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Hi @icefront it is related to rights indeed.
Please check the information above in this page.:relaxed:

Userlevel 4
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Please add Kai Band in Greece

Userlevel 4
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Add momoe Yamaguchi

Userlevel 4
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Hiromi Iwasaki has an empty profile

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for the requests @golexa :thumbsup_tone2:

Because you're one of our regulars, try using this form here too :wink:

Userlevel 4
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Thanks for the requests @golexa :thumbsup_tone2:

Because you're one of our regulars, try using this form here too :wink:

I don't think this form has done anything useful

Userlevel 7
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It's just another nod to the teams involved @golexa in addition to me doing the same internally :thumbsup_tone2:

Userlevel 4
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Off course have only 2 albums in your site, yet spotify has a shit ton of albums, and they are not from a small company, they are from Sony music for goddamn sake

Userlevel 7
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Please excuse my ignorance @golexa but are they all Japanese artists? I can create a special report to the catalogue teams requesting more of these to be added from Sony :thumbsup_tone2:

Userlevel 4
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Please excuse my ignorance @golexa but are they all Japanese artists? I can create a special report to the catalogue teams requesting more of these to be added from Sony :thumbsup_tone2:

Sorry they are not from Sony, they are from universal, and yes they are Japanese artists

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for the detail @golexa I've let our catalogue teams know about it - perhaps there's a chance this can be brought up to Universal.

So far I´m really liking deezer (despite not having a linux client, a gripe I have which I’ve seen is being discussed in another thread). There aren´t many omissions in comparison from other catalogues that I really want except for the albums of the OSTs of Final Fantasy, Square Enix launched them a couple of months ago (both in Japan and then international releases). Nobuo Uematsu already has his albums here, so is there any possibility to include the rest of the works here?

Userlevel 4
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Can you guys add also Hitomi Ishikawa? She is from Nav Records,a sublabel of Pony canyon

Userlevel 4
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Also add nana Mizuki, she is from king records

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for the feedback @lgg90 we'll try for sure :relaxed:

Userlevel 1

I had a more detailed reply that seems to have been lost to ‘moderation’ script, but the major Japanese artists missing from the library in the USA that I’m requesting all fall under the same umbrella of avex group: Ayumi Hamasaki, Koda Kumi, BoA (Japanese albums), Namie Amuro. Labels are avex trax and rhythm zone -- there are a lot of Japan chart-topping albums between them. Thanks!

Userlevel 7
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We're moving some pieces here at Deezer in order to accommodate this @daftdude I'm optimistic! :relaxed:

PS.: you have used another streaming service links in your previous reply, so our platform didn't recognise it and marked the reply as spam.

Userlevel 2

Hi Admin,

I have a question related to some tracks that are not available in a country. I have encountered in an occasion where you find a track that you like and add it on your playlist and thereafter some couple of months when you want to play the same track it will show that it's not available anymore. 

What is causing this? If it's the distributor of the songs doing this, why do they give us tracks and later remove them?

Waiting for your reply.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Kandi Ya Kandiwapa it is indeed related to rights, even when it was available before might not be available a few months after because of undergoing negotiations.
Please check all the relevant info above in this topic.
Apologies for the inconvenience :nerd:  

Userlevel 4
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Please add flumpool, they belong to sonic form, antwork and A-sketch

Userlevel 4
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I had a more detailed reply that seems to have been lost to ‘moderation’ script, but the major Japanese artists missing from the library in the USA that I’m requesting all fall under the same umbrella of avex group: Ayumi Hamasaki, Koda Kumi, BoA (Japanese albums), Namie Amuro. Labels are avex trax and rhythm zone -- there are a lot of Japan chart-topping albums between them. Thanks!

They are not only missing in the USA, they are missing in all countries

Userlevel 4
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Please add also yuko nagisa, she belongs to universal

Just searching for an album to play by New Model Army and found their discography has disappeared in Deezer on Sonos. 
can someone reinstate it please? 

Userlevel 7
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Thanks once more, @golexa our catalogue police! :relaxed:
