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Forcing pride playlists

Seeing as you have access to my data on music preferences, how about giving people the option to remove the “pride” playlist/flow you groomers insist on forcing on everyone? 

13 replies

Userlevel 1

I have the same issue, how to delete this ? I don’t want to see on my feed.



Userlevel 7
Badge +5

There’s no option to hide it… as like it is in real life. 😎💪🏻
Pride is limited for some time part of flow wheel such as xmas was. It’s not one of the permanent flow moods. 
As part of recommended playlist on main page it’s the same like with other music trends (rap, punk, black music). Take it or leave it. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Thank you @Superschlumpf! I agree, the playlists are not forced, they are suggested during pride month (June). 

The wheel will disappear in 4 days, when pride month will be over. 

But we won’t stop celebrating the LGBTQ+ community 🌈

Userlevel 1

Thank you @Superschlumpf! I agree, the playlists are not forced, they are suggested during pride month (June). 

The wheel will disappear in 4 days, when pride month will be over. 

But we won’t stop celebrating the LGBTQ+ community 🌈

There’s no option to hide it… as like it is in real life. 😎💪🏻
Pride is limited for some time part of flow wheel such as xmas was. It’s not one of the permanent flow moods. 
As part of recommended playlist on main page it’s the same like with other music trends (rap, punk, black music). Take it or leave it. 

So temporary that it remains 1 week into July.


Typical leftwing tyrants

Why are they not fixing this bug?

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Why are they not fixing this bug?

Which bug? I can‘t see one…

The one where they added something stupid to the flow mood

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

The one where they added something stupid to the flow mood

Hmm… „stupid“… take a minute to think about what is the stupid part of this discussion. 🤔 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Why are they not fixing this bug?

Hi @rahiem this is not a bug, this is only a suggestion during pride month (June). 
Our Community was build to bring all music lovers together, providing you and all users with best service and experience as possible.

Userlevel 7
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For example where is the Christ button?



It will be here in December.

Why are you forcing me into this??

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

@Nick.Burmeister the playlists are not forced, they are suggested during pride month (June), as we celebrate the LGBTQ community 🏳️‍🌈

Userlevel 7
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Freddie Mercury Dancing GIF
