Every week, in my playlist of new releases, fake new songs from artists I follow appear, either because they are miscategorized and belong to another artist with a similar name, or because they are fake songs.
This is starting to be very annoying, as it happens every week even with very well known artists.
For example, this week in my ‘new releases’ playlist it appeared one ‘new song’ from MIKA, but it’s not from him:

It has also happened with another Spanish known artist called ‘CHANEL’ which I follow her:
And there are A LOT of fake songs in her profile/artist page:
This has also happened this week with another fake song linked to the international artist 'Alida':

I have been using the 'Report a problem' option from the web version of Deezer for many months now, but this problem is still not fixed (I wish this reporting option was also on the mobile app).
Please, we need a solution urgently to all these problems, because lately using Deezer has been very frustrating.
Thank you