▷ CONTENT] The selected option is now highlighted in and chevrons removed from the options and sorting menus of playlist, podcast and favorite albums/artist/playlist pages
▷ dDESIGN] The buttons of the lyrics report box and “Audio” settings page were updated following the rebranding of the app
▷ dDESIGN] The gradients were removed from our color picking system and replaced with plain colors for various backgrounds within the app (e.g. player, SongCatcher)
▷ vFAVORITES] Users can once again shuffle their entire library by clicking the shuffle icon button next to the Favorites tab’s title
▷ >SHAKER] Shaker is now accessible from the Favorites tab
Note: The friend invitation menu now offers two options: “Share a link” (which opens the native share menu) and “Show this QR code”
▷ pSHAKER] All logos were removed from the top app bar in Shaker
▷ eSHAKER] Users who click on an invitation link and are already a member of the group are now redirected to the group’s tracklist directly
▷ dSHAKER] The colors of the compatibility gauges were updated in the “Fun facts” tab of a Shaker group
▷ sSHAKER] In the screen that invites them to join a Shaker group, users can now see the name of the group, the number of members and their avatars
Bug fixes:
▷ ARTIST] The color of the border of the artist message was fixed in artist pages
▷ CONTENT] Multiple bugs related to the length and size of titles and subtitles were fixed in content pages
▷ DESIGN] The search icon was updated so it doesn’t look filled anymore
▷ ePLAYER] It is once again possible to navigate to a content page by clicking the content’s name at the top of the big player (when the listening context allows it)
▷ PLAYLIST] The track list is now properly scrolled to top when sorting a playlist
▷ PLAYLIST] Users can now scroll up and down a playlist page when they start the scrolling gesture from the page’s cover, action and play buttons, and track list