
Tracks played from Favorites do not appear as favorited

  • 13 April 2022
  • 3 replies

When playing songs directly from my Favorites section on mobile, the track does not visually appear favorited as the heart icon is not filled in in the player view.

If I follow the same process on desktop, the track does visually appear favorited as the heart icon is filled in.

The discrepancy is confusing and I want to avoid having duplicates in my liked tracks if end up favoriting a track twice because it didn't appear favorited on my device.


Best answer by Yula 21 April 2022, 12:15

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Here’s another example. This time, desktop, in Firefox. I’m playing from my Favorite Tracks. The current song does not have the heart, yet the same song in the listing above does have the heart. After taking this, I favorited the song and ended up with two of the same song in my Favorite Tracks - the thing I want to avoid happening.

Sure, I’m on Android 12, Pixel 4 and Pixel 6, app version, using the Beta.

It isn’t a regular occurrence, it only affects a handful of songs. But here is a screenshot I grabbed of a song from yesterday. I am in the “Loved Tracks” playlist, but the heart was not filled in. The song that played after this had the same issue.

I know the screenshot isn’t exactly helpful, but it shows the issue at hand - some songs played from Loved Tracks do not have the heart filled in, leading you to think it is not actually favorited.


Userlevel 7
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Hey there @validcharacters, 

I can’t reproduce this on my Android device. 

Can you give me more info please?

What’s the model of the device? App and Android version?Â