
Incorrect song playing when I click on another song’s name

  • 8 February 2023
  • 2 replies

  • Runaway Baby
  • 0 replies

When searching for the song “Nikom nije lepse nego nama” by Viki Miljkovic, the result is that the correct song appears with the correct name and the correct album picture, however when I click “play” that isn’t that song. I shazamed it to find out which song it was, and it’s “Hajde vodi me odavde”. And when I search for that song “Hajde vodi me odavde”, a completely different song plays too, “Tunel” by the same artist. I think you got many Viki Miljkovic’s songs mixed up and named incorrectly.


Best answer by Johnathan.Deezer 18 February 2023, 13:26

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2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +6

Hello @b_s

Sorry about that, I already sent to the right team, as soon as they get back to me I let you know. 🤙🏽

Thank you. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +6

Hi @b_s

The team are working on it and it should be solved soon. 😊

Take care.