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Ne mogu da idjem u aplikaciju danima,pokazuje gresku u povezivanju


Hi @Boban Mitić !


If your Deezer app shows the message Error: Failed to play" or "The requested content is not loading" then you need to log out and log back into your account as this can help solve most connection problems.

Or maybe it's necessary
Reset your Wi-Fi
Delete your cache
Update the app or your phone software

I don’t know on which device you have problem ?



Ako vaša Deezer aplikacija pokazuje poruku Error: Failed to play" or "The requested content is not loading" tada je potrebno odjaviti se i ponovno prijaviti na svoj račun jer to može pomoći u rješavanju većine problema .

Ili je možda potrebno
Reset your Wi Fi
Delete your cache
Update the  app or your phone software


here is helpful link

or contact Deezer support/Chat

