
Tip: Deleted playlist on Deezer? Easy to restore...

  • 31 July 2021
  • 9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +7


You have put together a nice collection and invested a lot of time in creating playlists. Then this: You accidentally deleted a playlist that you had prepared for father's 60th birthday.


Shit, and now? :disappointed_relieved::tired_face:


Good news:

Deezer has saved the last deleted playlists (maximum 50) from the past 30 days → the recovery can be fixed on its own and without(!) Customer support.

  1. Log in to your own account at
  2. Follow this link ->
  3. Click on the playlist that you want to restore. :notes:
  4. Look into the favorites, possibly update once, then the restored playlist appears. :white_check_mark:
  5. Be happy. :blush::headphones:

:bangbang:  The above-mentioned steps leads to success in the vast majority of cases. However, a basic recovery guarantee cannot be given.

#OriginallyMadeInGermany |


9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Haha, that’s weird to find weird playlist on deleted lists :joy:

Thanks for the tip!

Hello ! 

Dunno why but my app disconnected my account (never happened before) and all my music selection disappeared ( 700 favorites and few playlists). 

I tried your link to get them back, does not go anywhere .. 

It s quite the bad surprize !

I love deezer and it would be sad to end the relationship with this 😌

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hey @fuckthehacker I’ve checked in the system and all your music selection is available in your account. You must have logged into the wrong account.
Please log out (tap on favourites>gearwheel>log out) and login again with your email and password linked to your Deezer account.
If the problem persists please let us know.

PS: Since you user name does not comply with the community guidelines, we would appreciate if you can change it.

My favourite list of music was deleted , over 300 songs . I'm already a member of deezer and pay monthly,  I don't understand why this has happened.  All the music I have is the music that keeps me in a happier mood . Please help ...


Wait, your favorite songs are all gone? Have you logged out and logged back in with your data?

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hey @Sammysam you might have logged in t the wrong account. I have check in our system and all your favourites are still there.
Please log out and login again with your email and password linked to the account and let us know if that works.
Thanks :)

I cannot access music...seems offline yet I pay 11.99 a month

I have an old playlist from more than a month ago that I wish to restore. I think the name was an emoji but I'm not sure anymore. Is it possible?



Userlevel 7
Badge +6

I cannot access music...seems offline yet I pay 11.99 a month

Hi @mmconneely, possibly you have a second Deezer account and logged into the wrong account as I could find only a Free account with email ending “@outlook” without any streams.
Please log out of the account you are logged in and then log into your Deezer account using your email and password.

If you still don’t manage to login on your Premium account, please contact our customer support using this link here and provide them with a screenshot of your last payment.


I have an old playlist from more than a month ago that I wish to restore. I think the name was an emoji but I'm not sure anymore. Is it possible?



Hi @Maxipocalypse, please check this article here where we explain how you can recover a playlist if it was delete in the last 30 days.

You can do that procedure from a PC, go on your browser, login on your account and follow the instructions.

Hope you can recover your deleted playlist.🤞🏼
