Tuesday Emoji Rules!

Tuesday Emoji Rules! 📃🖋

  • 20 February 2023
  • 0 replies
Tuesday Emoji Rules! 📃🖋
Userlevel 5
Badge +6



We're excited to announce that due to the tremendous success of our Emoji Game in the French Community, we've decided to bring the game to our English Community as well! 🎉 Starting this week, we'll be launching the game here, and we encourage all of you to join in on the fun. Let’s play, offer new ideas, or even suggest changes to the rules, we welcome your input and value your participation. Let's have a great time! 🕺🏾💃🏼

How to earn points by finding the Tuesday Emoji? 

  • I guess a Tuesday Emoji title: 1 point 😁
  • I guess Tuesday Emoji in less than 30 minutes: +2 points! 😎
  • I guess Tuesday Emoji in less than 2 hours: +1 point! 😉
  • I guess an Emoji Tuesday title 5 times in a row: +5 points!!! 😏


How do I earn points by suggesting an Emoji Tuesday?

  • If you won the previous week, then you can suggest an Emoji Tuesday by sending me your suggestion in a private message . If someone discovers your Tuesday Emoji, then you and the winning person both win at least 1 point each.


What do these points represent?

The person with the most points at the end of the period will win the famous Tuesday Emoji badge of course  🏆!

Any suggestions for new rules to add or something to improve? 
Comment below and we discuss it together 


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