Anna Indiana , a singer who doesn’t exist performs AI-generated music
Anna Indiana is the result of the work of various generative artificial intelligence tools.
Everything about her is artificial : character, tonality, tempo, chords, notes, melody, rhythm, lyrics and vocals .
Tools used in creation :
Lyrics: GPT-4 (with LangChain)
Chord Progression, Key, and Tempo: GPT-4 (with LangChain)
Instrumentals: Python + MIDIUtil library
Melody: Python + MIDIUtil library
Vocal Synthesizer: Emvoice
Voice: Musicfy
Image: DALL·E + Photoshop
Singing Animations: D-ID Creative Reality Studio
DAW: Logic Pro
Anna Indiana has already released a few songs.
The first song she released was Betrayed by This Town (2023)
The song Betrayed by this Town is a pop ballad, and the lyrics, in short, are about girls sitting in a cafe, drinking tea, and thinking about the men who betrayed them.
People aren't exactly thrilled with the song, and even less so with the idea of using artificial intelligence to replace human creativity.
Her last Single release Chasing Trouble (2024)
Her songs are available on Deezer, and her music videos on You Tube .

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