Soo… Most of my music i hear is Metal / rock / gothic and sub genres EDM too and stuff.
Most of my liked stuff too including artists.
Yet my flow thinks “hey lets give the listener Trance / techno / pop 24/7”
Youtube music really did a better “flow” with their mixes their flow being called “super mix”
Somehow on deezer “change the style” doesnt change it either its even after 20x still trance techno…. i can skip and dislike as many songs as i can and yet flow thinks “yes more of that “
Meanwhile youtube music generates new recommendations after 1-3 skips and mixes actually more genres into your “flow” of your loved music but also new music.
Why does flow work so much worse which is the main feature of deezer ? it Literally feels stuck and buggy
weirdly if i tell flow to play “more favourites” it literally shows me all songs which arent favourites , and if i want to discover more it shows me basicly 1 favourite and 9 non favourites ( ofc both cases all Techno / trance )
Example “FAVOURITES” “Discover more”
Deezer also knows that Metal and rock are my Top Genres yet it NEVER uses songs from these genres in flow WHY
It honestly feels like YTM with its worse audio quality stole the entire game regarding “flow” it just works SOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER.
iam in 2 trial months and iam already doubting if i will use deezer after those because better audio quality simply doesnt fix that deezer recommend me 24/7 wrong music.