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Why does deezer replace my explicit songs with the clean version?

As the day turn into months, and months into years, my explicit songs a gradually being replaced with their cleaner version. This is a problem where i will have to edit my entire playlist. Please fix this problem.

4 replies

Alien SuperStar

Hi @Roshaun Higgins, thanks for your message.

Could you provide more details about the issue you are experiencing? For example, could you share specific examples, such as links to affected songs?

Also, if you can provide a video or screenshot demonstrating the issue, it would greatly help our development team in resolving the issue.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • February 10, 2025

Hey ​@Leonídia.Deezer,

I’m not the OP but I have noticed that I, too, will have random explicit songs replaced by censored versions. One example that just happened -- and I can confirm the explicit album is still available as Other Versions when viewing the album -- is Heartbeat by Childish Gambino. I added this song to my main playlist on 2021-08-10. Today the track came up while listening to that playlist on random and it was the censored version. I have listened to this song multiple times since it was found/added to that playlist and it was always the explicit version.

This is not the first time I’ve had this happen in the multiple years I’ve been using Deezer. Normally, I hear them in my car and don’t have a handy way to replace the song. I find it a little concerning that not only does Deezer replace songs in my playlist, even when the original song is available still, but it doesn’t update the date the song was added to reflect this change nor does the album information for the censored version show a date when it was added and/or superseded the explicit versions.

If people want censored versions of songs when they become available, that should not be a forced replacement for all. To each their own but I find censored versions take away from the original emotion conveyed by the musician within the music.

Does this provide you with enough information? If not, please let me know what else I can provide you.



Edit: To add insult to injury, so to speak, there is no option to replace the album, myself, and keep the added date in the playlist. I view my playlists by the date added (newest at the top) when I want to hear the newest music I added to the list. If I have to go through and change each replaced track with the original uncensored ones, the added date will not reflect the actual date it was added. This is not a huge issue as I can start playback of newer songs by starting the playlist after the re-added ones. It’s just annoying to need to do.

Would it be possible to add an option to explicit tracks, or censored tracks with explicit version available, to the right-click menu of playlist songs? I think that would be a good way to let users fix playlists that were updated with censored versions and also give people the option to add a censored version of songs they’d rather have censored.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 5168 replies
  • February 12, 2025

Hi ​@mjhelto the only available version currently in the non-explicit and that’s why it was played within you music.
I was able to find an explicit album with Heartbeat remixes here:

Your feedback is very much appreciated and I’ll make sure to pass it on to our developers team.
Thanks ​​​​​​

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • February 12, 2025
Jaime.Deezer wrote:

...the only available version currently in the non-explicit and that’s why it was played within you music.

That is not true, there are multiple versions of the album, one that is explicit and one that is not. Heartbeat is a track found on the Childish Gambino album, Camp. If you go to the artist page and discography, you’ll see that the album Camp is there. Regardless of which version of the album it is (explicit vs not), select it and then scroll down that album’s track list. There you will see, under Other versions the opposite version of the album.

From the above links, or via the steps I outlined, you can see there are multiple versions of the album. That’s why I was confused why my explicit version of Heartbeat was replaced by the clean version. This is the clearest and most recent example I can find of this happening.


