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My Deezer favorites are disappearing

I’ve been a loyal customer for years. Now I’m noticing that my saved favorites are disappearing.  At times I will think of a tune I have saved and will search it out only to discover it’s not there.  Then I will reload.  What is happening to saved favorites?   Thanks 

41 replies


Hi @Richard Sweet ,

Just to clarify how many favorite tracks do you have total? 



I have the same problem with 2942 at the moment. Sometimes songs that I know I favorited are not favorites anymore and I have to readd them. Very randomly songs disappear and I only notice when they are played again in flow and I'm watching, which I do more now for tracks I like, because I've lost a few this way. 

Have posted about it before, but neither app updates nor phone restarts have ever really solved the problem. It's also hard for me to know, which songs are affected, since I have so many and don't pay attention, which ones might be gone. A recent example is

 Playing songs on iPad and iPhone only. 

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 5168 replies
  • May 27, 2022

Hello @testingcommunity could you please login to your Deezer account on a PC/Mac and let me know if you see a different number of favourite tracks than you see on your iPad or iPhone? 
If so, could you send me a screenshot?
Thanks :)

I’ve added a bunch of screenshots now.

iPhone and iPad show a difference of favorite songs and checking my times of when I had added songs, this seems really strange, because I had restarted both devices and updated the app in that time frame. But after having force-closed and reopened Deezer on the iPad it now also shows the 2944 figure. The browser shows the same number.

I stumbled across the missing favs problem on the iPad, which is why I came back here and saw your reply. You can see in attachment “1” the first song “Friendships” in the list (search in favorites), which I had previously added and was not in my favs anymore. It is only shown in the screenshot, because I had re-added it, when I discovered it wasn’t actually in my favorites anymore and before clicking the heart, I checked my favorites and it didn’t show up. So I assume something is weird, because these favorites are sometimes still played during Flow and I’m not sure that the algorithm recommends them, but that it somewhere still considers them favorites. What was odd was that I only had the version in my favs that is in spot three of the search, but when I played that one on the iPad, it didn’t even have the heart.

I have actually removed and reinstalled the app completely on my iPhone already, but have only installed the app on my iPad like a month ago or so and not reinstalled it there.

Both are updated to the latest iOS and app versions.

Hope that helps to find out what’s happening and what I might be able to do against it.

Found another issue today, when a song was playing, which I knew I had added, so I checked the number of fav songs and now it was down to 2940. When I refreshed the favs list, it showed 2945 though (same behavior on iPad and iPhone).

When I added the song again to my favs, my iPhone showed 2941 songs. I have no clue what is happening, but favs for some reason are definitely lost over time, which is extremely annoying, especially with some of the more obscure stuff that I would like to listen to in flow sometimes, but which gets lost this way.

Screenshots attached.

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 5168 replies
  • June 21, 2022

Hey @testingcommunity apologies for the delay, I’ve not forgotten about this, but I have not hear back from our devs yet.
I’ve asked around again.
Thanks for your patience and understanding

I totally get it. I just hope that the issue can eventually be identified and resolved. 

Today, I found two more songs that just disappeared from my library and that I had to re-fav. I'm listing the, here, in case that helps to narrow down the issue. I have no idea what kind of logging is done, but maybe you can see me having added the songs in the past and the moment that they were dropped 🤷‍♂️

The Kooks - She Moves In Her Own Way

NERVO - It Feels


Just an example of songs that came up via Flow without a heart while playing, despite still being found in my favs. I've 'hearted' them again. Just weird and frustrating.


This same issue is happening to my account now, and I’ve been able to confirm it by making playlists that only contain favorites. When I check these playlists after some time goes by a few songs are no longer favorites now. This has not been fixed with any app updates, and given that I pay for this service it is disconcerting that the problem continues to exist after 2 years. 


Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 131 replies
  • December 17, 2022

Conversely I notice when playing my favourites playlist there are songs that I have NOT favourited. I’ll have to pay attention when this next happens, but I notice a few songs a week (I do stream a few hours a day). Perhaps a related issue?


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • May 4, 2023

Been noticing this too. This should really be elevated. Especially considering the 2k song limit per playlist, I have to use the favourites as my new playlist… (10k limit)


For reference I use an android (Samsung S22+) + windows (10) app.

I’ve noticed a slight discrepancy in the # of songs in the favourites between the windows app and my phone but when I actually click into “Favorite Tracks” on the phone, and swipe right for the tracks, length, etc, it has the right number.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • May 22, 2023

I am slao having the same issue. Every time i open the app it shows like I have 0 favorites and I have more than 2000. I have these songs in the playlist as well and I have to add them every day which is getting annoying. Can this be fixed already? 

  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • June 30, 2023

I am becoming increasingly frustrated with this issue, which I have now been suffering for years.  If you guys won’t take this seriously, serious music fans will eventually leave.  I listen to thousands of tracks per month across multiple platforms and add only a few select tracks per month.

When one disappears, how is a person reasonably meant to find it ever again?  Luck??  And how should they know to re-add it when they don’t know it’s disappeared until some random chance moment that it features again but they find it’s no longer in the playlist???

Your support page states;

“This can happen if licensing agreements with the artist, label or right holders have changed.“

But the tracks going missing are still available to re-add to the playlist and aren’t greyed out due to some licensing issue.  This suggests there is more to the issue than your support page is letting on and, seemingly, suggests you’re making excuses on your support page for a known issue.

Could you clarify how and why licensing agreement changes should remove tracks from a playlist if the track is in fact still up?  That sounds like a back-end design issue with database coding which really ought to be fixed.

Outside of tracks being taken down by the artist, or a licensing agreement by region affecting the issue, I can't really think of many scenarios where this isn’t some back-end issue; even to the point that all you really need is an additional column controlling the availability of the track (as I expect you do with region licensing) to save the track as ‘not available’ but keep it in the users list so that if it ever comes back online, you aren’t placing the burden on your users to figure out an issue that would take your engineers hours, or days at most, to create a fix for.  I mean, honestly, if it’s licensing but the track is still available just the rights have changed, but the track is still available within that region, how is that an issue that should even come within your consumers’ eye-line??  That should be totally invisible to end-users.  Could you clarify how and why licensing agreement changes should remove tracks from a playlist if the track is in fact still up? 

Is there a way I can copy all my tracks from my playlist so that I can paste the information as text?  A .csv (extractable file) would be a dream come true and if you can do that please do, but failing that, can you offer me a solution where I can just copy the information from the playlists?  I bet if you ask your engineers one of them could give a quick-fix solution as to how one might achieve this.  I’m very frustrated with this issue now, as I hope you can tell by the length of this message.  Ideally, I’d like you to fix this issue for everyone, but in the interim I will manage this issue myself if there is a way I can copy my playlist information, but your online page and your apps will not allow me to select the full text in the playlist, I only managed to copy 70 tracks into Excel.  

To recap what I’d like you to answer, please:

  1. Could you clarify how and why licensing agreement changes should remove tracks from a playlist if the track is in fact still up? 
  1. Could you clarify how and why licensing agreement changes should remove tracks from a playlist if the track is in fact still up? 
  1. Is there a way I can copy all my tracks from my playlist so that I can past the information as text? 

Q3 is probably the most important for me right now because I’m at the end of my tether with losing my tracks.  I can create a solution for myself in seconds and with very little labour on my end… it’d probably take me less than 10 minutes per month to review all my playlists containing about 5,000 total tracks and re-update them with missing tracks.  For the sake of my sanity, that is a price I would gladly pay, every month, until you’ve fixed this issue - or even for the rest of my life if you didn’t, but please help me because I’m going to go insane with this issue and also start looking for a new provider if you don’t provide me any help whatsoever, or don’t take the care to reply.


Alien SuperStar

Hi @Anon thanks for your message.

I checked your account and none of your 15 personal playlist is above 2000 tracks. Only “Chill” playlist is near there with 1800 tracks. Your list of favorites tracks has a bit more than 200 tracks where we allow up to 10000.

Has you said. right now I can see that you have in total 5907 tracks.

So all good there.

When for some reason, a track is take down (artist request, label/distributor, copywriter rights violation or track not more available in a specific country) the track will be grey out and impossible to play. 

Regarding your last question, there isn’t an official tool at Deezer to export content to an excel file for example. Nevertheless, I found a couple of websites that explain how to do it.

You could request on Customer support a full report of all data that we have on you -

  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • July 3, 2023


Thanks for the reply.  You are correct, none above 2,000.  However, tracks keep disappearing.  On the same day I wrote that reply I found one track that had been removed from my Chill playlist that has been there forever… 

Deezer does allow users to export files to another source so you do already have this capability.  Notwithstanding I am working on a solution on my own to track my files and I will be building a report on tracks going missing (which I’ll happily publish) because it’s simply not the case that it’s “all good there”.. it’s not all good whatsoever when your users are losing data unnecessarily, but if I can help I will.

Alien SuperStar

Hi @Anon, thanks for your efforts and availability to help our Community users.

  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • July 4, 2023


I’ve created a system of pulling the main playlists and checking the numbers now, which I’m going to track probably monthly, but if a track is found missing in the first month I’ll go down to weekly.  Also have a hard-copy of the original list of tracks so any new tracks being added will considered in the numbers so as not to distort the data - but also, vice versa, will be able to see exactly which tracks went missing, add them back in, and log the tracks that went missing.

Now we’ll see if it's the case that tracks are completely disappearing from the playlists, or if this is a more nuanced issue like cross-platform synchronisation, or similar.  

To those having issues with favourites, I can’t do this check against my own favourites because I use “favourites” differently, but it’s essentially just a playlist too, so this process should validate favs going missing too.

Hopefully I’m proven completely wrong but at this point I’m doubtful - given it’s not just me noticing this oddity with playlists.

Alien SuperStar

Hey @Anon that is amazing. Great work.

Please do share with us as soon as you notice some tracks are missing from your playlist. 

That was I can open an investigation and our developers can deep dive on what is happening.

Take care.

  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • July 7, 2023


Yep, will do.  I’ll provide whatever findings I discover whatever the case.  I’m experienced in troubleshooting so totally open to the possibility I prove my own theory wrong here, but there’s definitely some incongruity occurring - whether by cloud/cross-app synchronisation or some other discrepancy.  Whatever the case may be, once I have some tangilble info/data for devs to explore, I’ll ref you back into this thread.  Until then, all the best and take care ^ ^ 

  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • July 25, 2023
Leonídia.Deezer wrote:

Hey @Anon that is amazing. Great work.

Please do share with us as soon as you notice some tracks are missing from your playlist. 

That was I can open an investigation and our developers can deep dive on what is happening.

Take care.


Deezer Desktop 5.30.590

Deezer Mobile


Checked playlists today and all tracks are present, none missing, but found something that is related:

Below is my playlist and this album is already downloaded and found after row 1,480, but if I go to the album page it says I don’t have this album in my playlists.  If I try to add the tracks to my playlist it says they are successfully added...


…and if I then search that album in my playlist, as you can see below, the tracks I added now exist twice in my playlist.  Additionally, if I go to the album via one of the downloaded tracks in my playlist (in this e.g. I tried Iceland Moss), and try to add Iceland Moss into that playlist I’ve just been redirected from, the track is still added, which means it’s definitely the same album.  Also checked the artist discography and there aren’t any duplicate albums.



What is happening here?


Deezer Desktop 5.30.590

Deezer Mobile

  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • July 25, 2023
testingcommunity wrote:

Just an example of songs that came up via Flow without a heart while playing, despite still being found in my favs. I've 'hearted' them again. Just weird and frustrating.



This is the same issue transposed on onto the favs section.  It seems like the issue doesn’t relate to the tracks disappearing, but the “heart” and “tick” icons not registering at the album source and then not refreshing… or something like that

  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • July 25, 2023



Deezer Desktop 5.30.590


Just tested the previous comment:

As you can see below, I’ve “hearted” two tracks from the album; one of which is was added 2022, the other 2019...


...and only the one added 2022 has shown up (on the discog album).  I’ve repeated this for those added today and others from 2019, and none of the ones added 2019 show up - which makes sense from what can be seen so far.  



So the issue, in this case, seems to relate to the source album being updated in some way and links being broken.  I say in this case because I still think there is an issue relating to tracks physically dropping from playlists, just haven’t got evidence for this yet.


Deezer Desktop 5.30.590

Alien SuperStar

Hello @Anon thanks for sharing all these details. regarding this duplication of content it has to do with track under different ID.

Let’s take one example from album Athena - track Iceland Moss.

This album was distribute first through Provider PIAS and them was taken down. Now we have the same album available but from provider Stones Throw Records, LLC.

So this means the same track has two different id’s - and

One is favorite and other isn’t according to your playlist “Chill”. If you play any of the tracks it always redirects to the only available 739390132.

Technical speaking should be impossible to have two tracks with same ID on the same playlist (you should receive a notification saying track already exists)

You can check ID of tracks, by copying/pasting the link that we provide under option “Share”.

Let me know if this info is not correct or if you have found two tracks with same ID.

  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • August 2, 2023


Sounds like you don’t really care that this is a problem?  In fact, your reply reads like there is no problem here whatsoever.  Do you see a problem here, or is it your opinion everything is fine in the above scenario?


Leonídia.Deezer wrote:

This album was distribute first through Provider PIAS and them was taken down. Now we have the same album available but from provider Stones Throw Records, LLC.

So this means the same track has two different id’s - and

One is favorite and other isn’t according to your playlist “Chill”. If you play any of the tracks it always redirects to the only available 739390132.

Technical speaking should be impossible to have two tracks with same ID on the same playlist (you should receive a notification saying track already exists)


From an end-user standpoint, all of the above is irrelevant; the end-user is paying a subscription fee for the services you have offered.  What you are describing is a back-end issue that should be invisible to the end-user - the changing of distributors should have in-built solutions for continuity, but your comments seem to confirm you have a design flaw in your system.  

If you switch distributors and one of your users has that album - or tracks in that album - “hearted”, do you carry over the “heart” from the previous source to the new source?

It’s all good saying “technically speaking” the above scenario should be impossible, but I’ve proven to you it is possible and, moreover, it’s happening.  Do you intend on investigating?  I’m confused by your last reply because it reads like you’re confirming everything I’ve said, but then just leave the conversation at that… no suggestion Deezer cares to fix this issue?

  • Lover
  • 35 replies
  • August 2, 2023


I’ve drilled my playlists to see how many times duplicates might be occurring.  To qualify, the track must feature in the same playlist, have the exact same track name, and have the exact same album name. 

Duplicated tracks:  112

Triplicated tracks: 3

I’ve checked several of these and all except one went to the same album.. i.e. as you have suggested, you’ve changed distributors, however the track ‘tick’ has then appeared as though it’s no longer in my playlist, so I’ve re-added it.  Seems like this issue is a lot bigger.

See attached file below for a full list.


Here’s another issue:  (this is the one exception noted above)

13 Tracks


12 Tracks


If you look for this album on James Blake’s page, you will only find one of this album, which contains 13 tracks.  However, in my playlist you can see I have this duplicate issue, but these are both unique albums.  The 12 track album does not link to the 13 track album, but it also does not exist on the artists discography page??  Both of them uploaded in the same year.
