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Why Deezer stops working on Moon Mind 1 platform?

  • 21 July 2024
  • 9 replies

Hi, about month ago deezer stops working on my Moon 180d streamer? Is there any chance to fix it? Moon support says that Deezer change something and they are contacting deezer support to solve the problem. How long can it take?

Best regards,


W ogóle nie działa Deezer na streamerze Moon Mind 1. Wątpię, aby coś tam naprawili. Pisali mi, że to zmiana związana z bezpieczeństwem. Nic nie mówiąc przestali wspierać Moon Mind 1.

Mnie napisali, że deezer wprowadził zmianę z którą mind 1 sobie nie radzi i w skrócie żebym kupił sobie Mind 2. Nie zgadzam się na taką politykę firmy. Byłem ciekawy czy deezer ma jakieś swoje stanowisko w tej sprawie. Na razie jak dla mnie nie ma alternatywy dla deezera więc próbuję wymyślić rozwiązanie.

Hi @nyga @Hubert Lary thanks for your post.

Not sure if this new issue is on Moon Mind side or our side, as it might be related with our new certificates.

We have already raised this concern to our developers and when I get relevant feedback I will come back to you.

Anyway, I recommend you create a ticket on Moon Mind customer support so they can open an incident about it.


Hello everyone, unfortunately my Moon MiND devices have stopped working for a few weeks. Moon says I would have to upgrade to MiND2, which costs €830 per device, which is far too much for multiple devices. If Deezer fails to support Moon MiND1, they will probably have to cancel. Does anyone know if a solution from Deezer is being considered?

Hi, in my opinion both sides does completly nothing to help us. It is sad that from the unknown reasons nobody is interested in solving the problem. 

Hello @Leonídia.Deezer,I opened an incident with Moon two months ago. After consultation in Canada, I was told last week that it was a problem with Deezer, Moon can't do anything about it except offer me an upgrade to MiND2, which is absolutely unacceptable at the corresponding prices. If the problem is not solved immediately I will switch to Tidal, it also works with MiND1 there, I just tried it out. Best regards.


probably i will also switch to Tidal or Qobuz which is working and supported. It is a shame that two commercial sides can't resolve the problem.


Do you have any update? 

Moon 180 mind still doesn't work with Deezer.

Moon support is not helping at all.…



My understanding is we are not the only ones affected with this problem 

Still somebody should resolve this.
