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FIRE is the first element of the Zodiac 

Fire signs are : Aries, Leo and Sagittarius





What Stars say about Fire Signs and their relationships to the music !? 

Fire signs in general are going to be drawn to energising music.

They like music that’s upbeat and fast and that they can move to.
They definitely like to go dancing and like new experiences, so they certainly like to go out.


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ARIES  (March 21 - April 19)  ♈️


For the typical Aries, music tends to be preferable when it reflects their intense and energetic personalities. Often an Aries will enjoy various catchy pop songs or many types of rock due to this overall trait. These styles provide the quick adrenaline rush that is commonly appreciated by the sign and allows one to express their intense feelings and relate their own experiences to the songs they listen to.

It is quite important for an Aries to have this musical outlet, as they are usually not able to express themselves as much as they want to socially. Especially when having to endure boring or slow social settings (meetings, work, school, etc.), this kind of music can help blow off some steam.




LEO (July 23 - August 22) ♌️

Leo is seen as the most attention-grabbing sign in the zodiac, so it is natural that Leos love music that they can sing along to. They tend to enjoy the catchy hits that everyone seems to know the lyrics to as well as the songs that are easy to dance to. As the life of the party, they like to have quality music at said party.

When looking at the party-esque mindset when it comes to a Leo's music taste, it is fair to assume that something like slow jazz isn't as favourable. Anything upbeat that attracts attention is pretty much golden as long as it has a good beat, especially if it is somewhat theatrical. Leos also appreciate musical/theatre soundtracks. It's a fire sign after all.




SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21) ♐️

Most Sagittarius have a distinct appreciation for the world around them. They are usually avid travelers and have a love for learning, mostly about other languages, cultures, etc. They tend to have a much broader perspective on the world because of their curiosity, and, due to being a fire sign, a Sagittarius shares a similar energy with Aries.

The intensity of this sign paired with its curious nature generally opens up a much more diverse taste in music. They may find interest in an array of different genres and artists, sometimes including foreign languages as well. Due to this broad spectrum, I've found some artists that may peak a Sag's interest when it comes to their love of learning and travel. While not every single Sagittarius is obsessed with these general traits, the ability to open any individual's mind and change their perspective on the world is so important that there might as well be a mix of other cultures in the list.



by Holly & Daisy Jones





If you are Aries, Leo or Sagittarius by Zodiac, leave your comment below and tell us :
do you believe in astrology

and do you find a similarity with the one of the zodiac signs described above and their relationships to the music !?


Other Zodiac signs will be next time in new topic .


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