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Every week, my playlist of new releases is populated with fake songs by artists I follow, either because they are miscategorized and belong to another artist with the same name. This issue is becoming increasingly frustrating. Please do something about it. 

For instance, on the pic, the marked songs have nothing to do with the well-known artists of the same names.


Related to this post where it’s also brought up, and I agree with you. 

Keep reporting the albums/singles that are assigned to the wrong artist profile pages. 




Hi @Dawg !


I was check artists which you mentioned above . 

Two unknown artist have same name like known artist , but their music is on right profile .

Just Street by Sade  Just Street  Sade


and Abstraction by Oasis    Abstraction  Oasis

is on right artist profile .





Only Stuff Teddy by Suede need to be reported , because is wrong artist .




stuff teddy  Suede


A known problem. 

I often have the same experience. Especially when I look at the New Releases playlist. I also often come across artists with a name of an artist I follow. Very annoying.

Yes, I agree. Even after reporting the issue and getting the tracks correctly moved to their respective artists, they continue to appear in your New Releases smart playlist for weeks, despite being assigned to artists who are not among your favorites. It is indeed very frustrating.



My opinion is that artists appearing on Deezer should not have the same name, or those with the same name should be labeled differently.
It is quite confusing for us users.
And I see that it is also confusing for Deezer moderators because there are always problems with songs and artists precisely because of this, because the artists have the same name.
