Time for my story :D
During COVID times, Belgium is one of the leading countries based on low infection rates and clear policy. Because of that, schools are open, stores are open (individual shopping only), open activities with 10 persons are possible! But still, hotels, restaurants, events are closed and lots of people are living in a closed environment. Including me…. As a nurse i’m a bit obligated to keep distance from my family and friends. Ans that gets very lonely these days. 
So music is often the answer to fill the void, and so is Deezer the answer 
I’m a trance and hardstyle/rawstyle fanatic! So this music is my daily ritual towards work/home and the in between moments. This music has such an energetic vibe and powerful emotions!! I met a lot of friends because of this music and still have great times with them when visiting a festival of event. Those memories are golden! And remind me that soon we’ll have this moments again 
I had a bit of radio silence lately on Deezer Community, but recently i’m hanging around here more often and I always get great conversations with people, especially with @Rudi . It makes the community feel very personal to me! That’s what makes Deezer so special to me! Not only the great music, but the poeple around and behind it! 
So thanks for that! And thank God for music
I am glad you like music as much as I do.
I’ve seen that you like hardstyle music on weekends, it can make anyone happy.
Please stay safe during covid time and get yourself amazing treat today. I am treating myself every tuesday with chocolate and Deezer Premium session full of hard dance. Music is our life, destiny!
I listen hard dance music all my life, and rawstyle, trance and hard core are just few of them.
Please consider listening my Hard Dance playlist on Deezer.
I hope to deal with you again.
Please keep spreading the love of the music you love and keep paying for it on Deezer.
One Deezer playlist a day will keep your doctor away!
Please as well keep chatting and writing, you’ll be Deezer Legends one day for sure...
Music is probably the most ancient form of human expression: older than visual art, older even than speech. Perhaps even predating fully formed human consciousness. It’s an integral part of who and what we are.
It should also be a unifying force. But as a great arts critic said many years ago, the last great musical consensus was the early Beatles output—everyone admired them, from great classical conductors to pre-teen kids. They were pan-cultural. To not like them required a degree of conscious cultural distancing.
Sadly now, in the hands of activists and the industry, music has largely become just one more statement of subcultural identity, along with language, clothing and hairstyles. And that has deprived all of us of a shared symbolic experience.
Music is life. We need it, and we need to know that we need it. The fact that musical genres are now so fragmented isn’t that much of a problem. Now we have to show our mutual humanity by respecting other people’s divergent musical tastes for the transcendence they gain from what they listen to.
Thanks for posting the thread. Peace to all.
Beautiful story @Martijn.Keymis
You're a pleasure to have around in the community, with good taste in music too. I find Deezer a great tool to motivate me too, for work, for life. It's just great.
And that's why the community is more than a job, it's a great way to be involved with users like me 
I had to highlight your reply @Freezer I studied Music as an Art at University. It resonated with me!