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♫ How important is music in your life?

♫ How important is music in your life?
  • Deezer Staff
  • 708 replies

Did you know that music can help reduce stress levels or heal people with speech impairments?

I wholeheartedly believe in the power of music to change people's lives, even with small things as helping you to finish a half marathon 😉 to helping you to overcome hard times💪.

Share your experience with the community! 😎

Did this topic help you find an answer to your question?

28 replies

Rob Igo
Alien SuperStar
  • The OG
  • 2978 replies
  • April 20, 2018
Personally I NEED music in my life! I work at a desk all day and have music on in the background.

When I'm doing any chores around the house (e.g. making dinner, cleaning the house) and also driving to work (or anywhere) - first thing I do is start Deezer! (oh and forgot to mention the bluetooth shower speaker I have the neighbours must hate it as I'm tone deaf when I sing!).

As for half a marathon training.. I just couldn't run without music!

Music is always part of my life daily and I'd be lost without it (and Deezer the "other" streaming services are rubbish in comparison - just my opinion!).

Keep up the great work 🙂

  • Author
  • Deezer Staff
  • 708 replies
  • April 23, 2018
This is so sweet! Thank you for sharing @Rob Igo I am the same, I'd be lost without music 🎼

What about you music lovers?
@MusicIsLife1122 @Problematist @Vladimir Chabrov @oldrecord @NickParkerMusic @bluezzbastardzz and all the community!

Noam Asulin
Deezer Legend
  • Bezi since 2017
  • 2431 replies
  • April 24, 2018
A world without music . I can't ! I listen to music all day , including at work . I probably have hours of music listening every week .

  • Lover
  • 419 replies
  • April 29, 2018
Hi Mafe. Omg yes ,,,,, music is my life . In fact Deezer is my life! I play Deezer on my PC in the study while I'm working, on my mobile phone when in bed and in the car. I just soooo need music. Am I a music nut?? I reckon I must listen for over 50 hours a week when I sorta work it out.
Creating Playlists, adding to Playlists, hearting Playlists and albums and artists is soooo cool.
It was Rachmaninov who said "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music."
Take care all. Cheers ... 😃

Me gusta mucho me ayuda a descansar

  • Author
  • Deezer Staff
  • 708 replies
  • July 2, 2018
I just found this article with most inspiring quotes for famous musicians! Here are my favorites, what are yours:

"That's what music is: entertainment. The more you put yourself finto it, the more of you comes out in it" - Kurt Cobain


"Music, at its essence, is what gives us memories. And the longer a song has existed in our lives, the more memories we have of it." - Stevie Wonder

  • Alien SuperStar
  • 473 replies
  • September 13, 2018
I think I would be completely lost without music...

I listen to my favourite albums on my way to work, and on my way back home, while cooking, while working, even sometimes in the bathroom when I'm getting ready. There is not a day that passes without me not having some music playing on my phone or my computer 😁

Essential. Exploring subtle new sounds of old favorites or stunning new artists creating songs of magic. Driving, cooking, reading, doing nothing except listening music fills my life. Completely replaced AM/FM and Sirius/XM. I use two headsets, an old Klipsch repaired five times, and an AKG K240, which I swap depending on my mood and device, which could be an iPhone, older iPad, yet older Chromebook and even older Lenovo laptop. Songs sound slightly different depending on the combination. This, I like. There's more artistry and recording studio genius to discover.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • February 15, 2020

Music is one of the part in my life.


My website visit please :   Love quotes and sms

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • February 17, 2020

Thanks for sharing @Smart King :hugging::dvd::microphone2:

  • Chart topper
  • 2597 replies
  • June 30, 2020
Listening dance music over 3G in 2013

Namaskaram everyone.

Music. Dance music. It is in my heart since I was 15.

I started from a song I enjoyed on the radio. Cascada. Everytime We Touch.

I found DJ Manian, Rob Mayth and Basslovers United.

After that discovered the genre around it, dancecore. DJ THT is one of them producing it.

I didn’t know the name of the genre until I was 21 I think. Now I am 30 and I am sold by dance music. I walk and dance, get fit with the beat, lost 15 kg’s just walking and enjoying music.

I was a bit overweight, now I am as fit as someone you could see on sports...

Since 2016 I joined by mistake Weekend Festival on the DIGITAL stage which played hardstyle and hardcore music NONSTOP. It went BOOM BOOM BOOM. I felt in love and left with pain in my legs. This much I danced. Since then I listen Hardstyle, Dancecore, Trance, Dubstep, Industrial, Jumpstyle, Freestyle EDM, Hardcore, Rawstyle, Euphorics and anything hard dance. I like it all nonstop.

I used Spotify Premium for about 6 years, went to GPM for almost 5 years and now I am here at Deezer. Beautiful twist in this app, I keep discovering new music on the move. Far from home. In woods I have now 4G and music playing loud to my high end Bluetooth headphones from Sony. At home using them. Music is my way of life. I don’t need movies, TV, dvd’s or games. I need music.

Dance music. She’s a thing I want to date haha. Music all the time.

Thank you Deezer for serving me with music I like. I find EVERY tune. Hands down by far BEST music repertoire. No single song missing. I tried tham all, but your service is HANDS DOWN the best.

I can’t wait to pay more for your service after my trial for Premium is over.

Music fan I am, only accept 320K and it was main reason to join. As Google got rid of that for 256K.

Music. Music. Music. Dance music. She’s a thing I want to date!


Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 2, 2020

Thanks for sharing the love for Dance music, and music in general - it's inspiring! And the view as well @hpguru please, don't let us die of curiosity - where's that beautiful place? :smiley:

  • Chart topper
  • 2597 replies
  • July 2, 2020
Rudi wrote:

Thanks for sharing the love for Dance music - it's inspiring! And the view as well @hpguru please, don't let us die of curiosity - where's that beautiful place? :smiley:

Finland, land of lakes and woods.

It is located in my town which has about 20 000 people. It is between my town Pirkkala and next town Lempäälä. The lake is Kaitajärvi. I always walk here and listen online music. Good therapy.


This looks so nice! Thanks so much for sharing with us :grinning: Loving your feedback too, obviously!

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • July 4, 2020

I've googled the lake @hpguru that's so beautiful, no wonder why you listen to music all day :smile:

  • Chart topper
  • 2597 replies
  • October 5, 2020
Rudi wrote:

I've googled the lake @hpguru that's so beautiful, no wonder why you listen to music all day :smile:

It never stops and it is cheap to stream here in Finland.

I pay for basic 4G/3G plan €6,90 offer and they extend it each year at DNA instead of paying normal price which €12,90 mo. Unlimited 1 Mbps in Scandinavia and Baltic (Finland included, obviously). My mobile provider, which is DNA, sells Deezer also -- but I can get better deals from you.

7GB in EU, phone and message as you go, I never use them almost never.

Literally listening music in Finland is cheap and reliable. 4G+ is on my screen almost everywhere.

Woods included and I never download anything Offline, it jut streams.

Today they extended my 4G offer which ends in January 2021, to January 2022 :grin:

Well, you guessed it, at discounted €6,90/mo price.

2021, I am more than prepared to stream hard dance music on Deezer Premium I love!


Today I will walk here and listen fresh hard dance songs released not so long ago.

Life in reverse? Well, perhaps something to think about...

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • October 6, 2020

That's very cheap, yes @hpguru 

And sorted until 2021! That's amazing :grin:

  • Chart topper
  • 2597 replies
  • October 6, 2020
Rudi wrote:

That's very cheap, yes @hpguru 

And sorted until 2021! That's amazing :grin:

Yes, I will have this cheap deal to the start of 2022. They are always extending it with a year.

I just call them before it ends and say nothing about searching new deals.

I say them how much I have been enjoying this 4G plan at this price point without limits.

They do like to hear it, and this is why they always extend it.

I enjoy paying for Deezer and for this net, which is enough for my music.

I can’t live without music, listening it unlimited is more than important.

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • October 7, 2020

Sounds like this company knows how to do business around Finland! Here in the UK they only drop the price if you really cancel the contract (people bluff as a strategy so they don't mind when you say: "I'm leaving") @hpguru :sweat_smile:

  • Chart topper
  • 2597 replies
  • October 8, 2020
Rudi wrote:

Sounds like this company knows how to do business around Finland! Here in the UK they only drop the price if you really cancel the contract (people bluff as a strategy so they don't mind when you say: "I'm leaving") @hpguru :sweat_smile:

Yes, but actually yesterday I was able to get better deal from my internet provider Elisa.

I ordered for €5,90 a month, for 24 months, since Janruary 2021 to January 2023 UNLIMITED 100 Mbps 4G+ to listen my Deezer Music. Phone and message as I go, I rarely use, so it will be cheap.

I will save €1 a month and have 100 times faster net. Okay, 4G and may be anything from 5 to 100 Mbps, but it is faster, and can be billed with same bill. My home internet is €0 50 Mbps.

I needed to cancel my lately purchased extend offer, as it is 12 months contract.

Fine price, but 1 Mbps net I needed to “accept”, when I literally could enjoy a bit faster too.

With Elisa price is guaranteed for 24 months, but I can go when I want to.

I asked DNA if they can faster my speed, for same €5,90 price, then I can cancel to Elisa. The offer I got was designed for another mobile provider, but you could use it on any number. You just needed to get code and write your number on their site. Code people are getting by just trying random codes until it worked based on codes Moi customers got for offers. Looking for faster net.

Literally you needed to change latest numbers in code to make it work.

I just need to change sim card next year to enjoy cheaper prices and faster nets.

  • Chart topper
  • 2597 replies
  • October 9, 2020

Good day.

DNA salesman called me and was shocked that I am going to Elisa at €5,90 price point.

Elisa offered also Unlimited 10M package with Unlimited 10M/2M net, calls and messages for 9,90 a month for 2 year contract. I selected €5,90 100M/10M and packages as you go at 0,07€.

It didn’t work with net unlimited in Scandinavia and Baltic, I was okay with that.

So today this guy from DNA called with winback offer.

I was shocked, but not too much. I didn’t actually wait any better deal from them.

Until he did offer. And it was astonishing deal.

Good man, like he was offered UNLIMITED 50 Mbps / 50 Mbps 4G+ connection to my phone, UNLIMITED calls, video calls, messages and sms-messages with 14 GB EU data and Unlimited Data, Calls, Videocalls, Messages and SMS Messages in Baltic & Scandinavia as well.

Sounds like a good deal? Then he told the price.

€9,90 a month, normal price was €29,90 a month, and deal is for 12 full months.

I needed to ask him twice if it was correct, €9,90 a month?

I agreed same second. No need to change sim cards and I can enjoy working operator.

I am since 2016 DNA customer and from tomorrow on 4G+ plan.

I am happy, because this chanhge makes my Deezer Premium life easier.

I can finally stream music without waiting sometimes because my current speed was 1 Mbps / 1 Mbps with 7 GT EU, calls and messages 7 cents minute or piece. Unlimited 1MB net in Scandinavia, Baltic and domestics. Thank you so much for DNA, now I can enjoy hard dance music more.

With this fast internet on the go.

I am sorry Rudi, that in UK mobile competition isnẗ working this way.

Here in Finland it is a steal to have this much at €9,90 price point.

Also as DNA customer I can get 10 per cent off from accessories like phone cases in DNA stores.

Literally I never use offline mode on my Deezer, as it is UNLIMITED everything!

Alien SuperStar
  • Alien SuperStar
  • 14342 replies
  • October 10, 2020

Wow! Great deal for you and for our Finnish users who see this @hpguru :wink:

  • Chart topper
  • 2597 replies
  • November 2, 2020
Rudi wrote:

Wow! Great deal for you and for our Finnish users who see this @hpguru :wink:

Thanks, I enjoy Deezer Premium, so fast and reliable net is needed.

Very much enjoying Deezer Music today since it’s cold, it’s dark and it’s wind today.

Deezer made my day playing in FLOW decent track.

Media not available

Now my day is great again. Thank you so much!

These suggestions made my day and to playlists.

May I ask for how long you are at Deezer and which reason made you here?

Love for the music?

  • Chart topper
  • 2597 replies
  • December 7, 2020

This corona virus time music is really important.

Lately in Finland:

Movie theaters. Closed.

Swimming pools. Closed.

Spa places. Closed.

Sport places. Closed.

Bars and clubs. Open.

Tell me why they are open?

It is so sad, that you need to live this way. All you like is closed, but drinking bottles are open.

I stay away from them, even if it is very hard.

This is why my love for music is stronger than ever now. Covid-19, restrictions. Work from home, sit home, stay home, feel home, sleep home, all home and some can’t take it anymore!

I pay for Deezer €7,99 a month and right now I couldn’t do a day without it!

This I listen almost all the time, it has something to motivate, when there is literally no other place to go than shopping to the mall or drink bottles to the bar… and we live in Finland? They’d put bars closed, no problem. But my favourite place to be, swimming pool and sauna? Free saunas in our house buildings also closed because of this irritating Covid-19. All free saunas in house buildings closed.

This is the time when your Deezer Premium sub scription is valuable. It gives hope.

Happy Ending.

Lucky Star

Time for my story :D

During COVID times, Belgium is one of the leading countries based on low infection rates and clear policy. Because of that, schools are open, stores are open (individual shopping only), open activities with 10 persons are possible! But still, hotels, restaurants, events are closed and lots of people are living in a closed environment. Including me…. As a nurse i’m a bit obligated to keep distance from my family and friends. Ans that gets very lonely these days. :sob:


So music is often the answer to fill the void, and so is Deezer the answer :sunglasses:


I’m a trance and hardstyle/rawstyle fanatic! So this music is my daily ritual towards work/home and the in between moments. This music has such an energetic vibe and powerful emotions!! I met a lot of friends because of this music and still have great times with them when visiting a festival of event. Those memories are golden! And remind me that soon we’ll have this moments again :heart_eyes:

I had a bit of radio silence lately on Deezer Community, but recently  i’m hanging around here more often and I always get great conversations with people, especially with @Rudi . It makes the community feel very personal to me! That’s what makes Deezer so special to me! Not only the great music, but the poeple around and behind it! :kissing_closed_eyes:

So thanks for that! And thank God for music
