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why can’t I add the songs tagged as favorite to a new playlist? It keeps displaying an error that the songs have already been added. I used to be able to do this before. There are only 473 songs in my favorites list



Hi ​@starrynighte !


Have you checked the playlist you are adding this song to?
Maybe that song has already been added to the playlist like Deezer says!?


I suggest you to unlog and relog in the app and try again,


Thanks for the suggestion - still not working. I even deleted the app and data and reinstalled it, to no avail.

It did not work, so not sure why this is closed

Which track exactly is failing to be added to “2024 Discoveries”?

If you can provide more details (or even a video), it would help us troubleshooting.

All of them. I used to be able to go to my favorites song list, then click on the 3 dots at top right of the screen for the list, then click on add to playlist, and the entire list would be added to the playlist of my choice. Now, when I do that, I get the message as in the screenshot, and cannot add the songs

Hi all, thanks for the suggestions. In the end, the issue was that the list had more than 400 songs. Once I trimmed it to 400, it worked!
