
Display song image left bottom corner



Can you place the selected song image in the left bottom corner at all times, like in Spotify?

Also when I select the playlist, just the tracklist appears but not the song image.

Closest unsatisfying alternative is to select Queue, however in flow the track list is missing. and when a playlist is selected in the “Queue” mode, then the playlist is not visible. These features are all visible in 1 overview in Spotify

FLOW in Queue mode: no playlist ánd missing clear FLOW selection on top.
top monthly playlist selected: no song image
home page played songs: no image
In Queue mode : Playlist Name disappears.


seems I cannot edit my topics: here an example of spotify 

Spotify: playlist name, song image, track list. All in one overview.


Thanks for your idea @Rick-Anthony, count with my vote already.
Feel free to share your idea in other topics in the Community and encourage other users to vote, so the idea get enough votes to be considered by our devs. :nerd:

Updated idea status NewIn discussion