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continue flow, based on a single song

Sometimes you have that song in your head and you go search for it and play it.

But when the song starts playing, the playlist is filled with all the other search results.

In most cases this will be more ore less the same song, from another album, another artist, a remix, an instrumental version, or something like that. In either case not a great playlist to keep listening to. So, wouldn’t it be great to start the flow function from a single song? So we call tell “play this and get me more like this”. I think that could be a wonderfull addition!
Hi there @swinxnl

Thanks for your input. You're basically saying that you'd like Flow to be based on a single song, of your choice. Am I close to it? Let me know and I'll be happy to pass it on 😉
Well actually, yes. If flow would be capable of that, it would be nice sometimes to start with one song and let flow continue the mood.
Well actually, yes. If flow would be capable of that, it would be nice sometimes to start with one song and let flow continue the mood.

You can actually do this in the beta version of deezer.

Use the 3 dots by the track name to call the options up and select 'start song mix'

This works from the search results aswell but the option to do it automatically when clicking the song would be good.

Hopefully it gets rolled out to all users soon.
Thanks for covering that with me @swinxnl 😉
@Scott.Price would that be the beta on Android, or some other platform?

Hi.  Any timing for when Start Song Mix will be rolled-out by platform?   Thanks.  

Yeah all other platforms can start a “radio” from a single song, with suggestions based on a combination of songs similar to that song, and songs you like/dislike (having come through Pandora, Last.FM, MOG, Beats, Apple, Spotify, Google Music and Tidal). Deezer is my favourite of the lot, but it’s ignoring the features of the competition and a lot of cracks are showing. 

I don’t know the reported behaviour is consistent. I just played a song from search results in the iOS app, and straight afterwards it went onto a mix based on that song (didn’t play through the whole result-list). @swinxnl which app are you using and what are the steps to recreate?

@teqteq I had this issue on iOS too, but if I try this again now, a few months later it seems to work in a better way now. Not all search results are queued as a playlist and another song will follow the played song. In my testcase it was a different song from the same album, I haven’t tested this further yet, but is looks nice already!

Sorry I confused things a bit here. iOS and Windows behave in opposite ways.

  • Windows adds the entire search result list to the playlist, but has Automated recommendations as an option
  • iOS only adds the track that you choose, but doesn’t yet have Automated recommandations…

How it should work for both:

  • Only the selected track from search results is played, and followed by Automated recommendations if enabled.

What @swinxnl said originally regarding the current-state is still correct (I don’t have Windows beta yet though, only iOS beta)

@Rudi I searched for “terror overcome” and played the first result. Listen to these tracks in order and tell me how that makes sense! :joy:  Oh my….

@Rudi I think this thread should actually be changed to title “Desktop client should only play the selected search result, rather than adding all search results to queue”, and then should be moved to “Go an idea?”

@swinxnl do you agree?  I think that’s actually the core issue here. If the handling of search results (i.e. only playing the song you select) is fixed, than that fixes your concern right (at least on desktop clients)?

Hi there @teqteq 

Our next updates will allow users to control their queue in track mixes, for when you play a track from the search results - on mobile.

The title will remain like this as the idea was already passed to our teams (it's a few months old) but thank you for the suggestion 👍🏼

@Rudi I think there might have been misunderstanding of this idea. Controlling track mixes doesn’t fix this. And track mixes still don’t start with the song that’s the subject of the mix.

It seems on both iOS and desktop now, if you play a track from search results, it will then play all search results in sequence, which makes no sense to me (as in this thread - ). Unfortunately the illogical non-standard approach (imo) was chosen to roll out to all platforms since then...

Also, Track Mix is useless in this case because it doesn’t start with the song that’s the subject of the mix, as in this thread:

So this issue is still outstanding and has actually worsened imo.

I see this was ported to mobile too :-(

I've looked at all related comments you made about this feature and passed them on @teqteq, they need fresh feedback to continue working on this:thumbsup_tone2:

Updated idea status In discussionReplied by Deezer

We've already developed something similar with our Track Mix :relaxed:

Hello everyone! 🖐🏼

We are starting a big Flow rework, to improve the experience and satisfy your needs. 💥

We might not add exactly this feature, but we are trying to find a way to improve Flow in the best possible way. 

This requires a lot of work and mostly, a lot of testing! 

We have created this group  for users who want to help us, you feedback is crucial for us. 

Join the group, we need YOU!