
Block artist on all tracks including features

Related products: Features

I understand that the feature to block an artist currently exists, however this only blocks tracks that the said artist recorded, but it doesn’t block the tracks that the blocked artist is featured in. I could have blocked artist X, but he may be featured in track that is in a playlist I follow or the auto-recommendations and I don’t want to hear them at all.

Could Deezer implement it the same way other platforms do? Such as greying out tracks that the blocked artist is featured in and automatically skipping that song as one plays along the playlist?

On hover the it could show a helper text like “Track contains blocked artist”.

Hi there, I agree! It should block all tracks the artist is featured in. I passed your feedback on to the right team ;)

Updated idea statusNewIn discussion

I really would love that, too! Block songs, albums or artist directly should be a feature!