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New releases suggestions (web version)

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  • Djstefanrs Huitema

It would be nice if the New Releases had separate sub-pages for releases by artists I follow VS suggested releases.  i.e. instead of " New Releases For you" under the New Releases page, there would be 2 separate sections.

For suggested releases, it would very helpful to display why it's suggested, like Deezer awesomely used to do a long time ago, i.e... Since you like blabla and blabla..  That would make the difference between randomly clicking on them based on their artwork, and picking something that peeks my interest out of hundreds of new records.

Also the New Releases For you could be more accessible. I always have a hard time trying to remember where the link is. It's currently buried somewhere in the middle of a very long cluttered home page. e.g. There could be a 'View All' link at the bottom of the notification pop-up.

And it would be awesome if such options can be saved for the notification popup. Currently the notification seems to suggest artists I don't care about, while sometimes releases from artists I follow don't appear there. I'd love to be able to customize what I'm notified about (artists, release types, etc..)

And if we could with a single click play/queue all the new items in the notification list.


Thanks reading my suggestions. :)

3 replies

Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 1479 replies
  • January 27, 2024

I agree. The New Releases For You are pretty bad and sometimes there is a hit, but most of the time a miss.

And like are saying, the notifications aren’t really working.

Nina Nebo
Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 4736 replies
  • January 27, 2024


I totally agree with you both @ianz @awesomemac 
If I may write my opinion !?
New releases should be offered by genre .
Then we would choose the genres that interest us ,for example Rock  and we could review all the new releases of Rock in one place (or Pop or EDM or etc.).

Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 1479 replies
  • January 27, 2024

@Nina Nebo, yes or maybe.

If new releases would be offered by gerne, this also could be something I would skip. Why?

The music I listen to is metal and rock. And in my opinion a playlist with new metal releases is too much. I like metal, but a certain kind of metal, not every metal artist.

I would like a new release list like @ianz mentioned, like before.

“If you like Serenity, you might like….”.

At this time the “New releases for you” is something I don’t often look at and I get zero notifications.
