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Don’t You think we should me warn of we reach maximum number of tracks on the playlisy?

Related products:iOS

I don’t know how You guys.. but Deezer does not warm me when I reach the maximum number of itracks on my playlists. 
I kept adding more& more & noticed that way too late. I probably lost a hundreds of songs that way ;( 

I still sometimes forget about it & add songs to the playlist that is already full.. unfortunately app won’t tell me that & that way I keep loosing songs ;(((

6 replies

I meant:..”should be warn if we reach..” 

I don’t know how to edit :/ 

Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 1474 replies
  • December 29, 2023

Hi @Karolina Charylo : 

How many songs did you put in a playlist at the moment? And do you have more than 1 playlist?

Nina Nebo
Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 4699 replies
  • December 30, 2023


Hi  @Karolina Charylo

When put over 2000 songs on PC Deezer app you get notice :

Can’t add this track ,you’ve reached the maximum number of tracks per playlist .


I don’t know how it works on iOS and android .

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 131 replies
  • December 30, 2023
Nina Nebo wrote:


Hi  @Karolina Charylo

When put over 2000 songs on PC Deezer app you get notice :

Can’t add this track ,you’ve reached the maximum number of tracks per playlist .


I don’t know how it works on iOS and android .

It works just like this on my iOS. I don’t know how songs would be lost? I do wish playlist sizes were larger, both in Deezer but as will in associated apps such as KEF Connect. If I do reach a playlist max I this start a new playlist with similar tracks, I guess a work around might be to be able to shuffle between select playlists if one wants to hear that mix?

I never use this app on the computer. I only use iphone & iPad.
I have around 20 albums.

One of them reached 1000 long time ago, but I didn’t know there is a limit of song that I could put there.. so I kept adding songs there.. until I noticed a lot of them are missing.. I started to focus on what is happening there.. I realized my playlist stopped on 1000 songs even if I add songs there.. 

then I started a new album which is 950 songs now.. & I'm careful not to exceed the limit this time. Cause unfortunately it won’t tell me that album is full :( 

  • Runaway Baby
  • 19 replies
  • July 27, 2024

Is it possible the app only sows 100 nummers in a playlist as the internet deezer shows them all??

hope I get an answer:)

