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Roll back this update. Please!

Related products:Mobile apps
  • icefront

This was no update, but rather a "downdate"..

The logo, the UI, the fonts, the way it scrolls, the huge icons, crowded space, everything about it, is just a kick in the face, compared to the awesome platform and logo you had…

The best ui among the serious streaming services, and a logo to fit it.. 

Why on earth replace it with this???

Please, PLEASE undo this!


Best regards 

Martin Jespersen 

14 replies

Runaway Baby
  • Runaway Baby
  • 3 replies
  • November 8, 2023

+100500 !!!

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 29 replies
  • November 8, 2023

It's just plain bad. :(

Mikee Laughing

I personally feel like the rebranded Deezer is like the NEW COKE of the music industry. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • November 9, 2023

The new logo looks like a project of a five year old with no creative skill that tool 5 minutes. It lacks esthetic value, distinction and any cool factor. Please roll it back

Tiny Dancer
  • Tiny Dancer
  • 3 replies
  • November 17, 2023

I’ve added this in multiple places because I want the design team to see it. Remove this gap and lock the now playing bar to the bottom so I can’t accidentally change the song when trying to bring up the album art/not playing screen. I’ve never seen this issue on any other music app because it makes no sense not to lock this bar to the bottom area instead of having a gap.

They are too stubborn to undo it despite the overwhelming negative response, but above all else they simply don't care as long as they keep getting the money


Things you certanly screw everything up big.

  1. swipe down gesture in the “now playing” in which if you start doing it in the album art (which covers half of the display) don’t work, and you end up changing to the next or previous song.
  2. Auto scroll whenever there is an album art or big picture, forcing the list to be either at the bottom or the top of the display not where the user wants it to be. (have you seen the size of the displays, even “smal pohones” are huge)
  3. The logo, it just sucks, honestly, you ruined the logo and the general image of the company, cheap 80s early 90s design, ugly, and unnecesary
  4. The font, really, that font?! you were a cm close to use comic sans.

I have been an advocate of Deezer for years, never complain, always supported you, and now honestly I’m looking for alternatives, the points 1 and 2 screw up the usability and experience in the app big time. 3 and 4 are superflual, but still, I move from my previous streaming app because of looks, and I’m thinking about that again. But the main reasons is USABILITY!!! seems like nobody inside deezer actually uses the app if you approve that.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 10 replies
  • November 27, 2023

The new update is so bad. Whatever about all the other things that I find so frustrating and a real steps backward with this latest redesign. ...but the one thing I can't get over is the annoying album art not scrolling in a clean and consistent way when viewing an album.

This should be an absolute basic quality control check before releasing the app. It's ridiculous. Yes sure it might look nice on a tablet or PC screen. But once scaled down to a phone screen it doesn't work at all. 

I have sent about 20 pieces of feedback within the app itself but I don't know if anyone even gets those. User experience has gone through the floor lately. Very disappointing. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • November 28, 2023

The new scrolling sucks. Keeps going past the entry I’m looking for.

  • Runaway Baby
  • 10 replies
  • November 30, 2023

Dear Deezer,

Why can I no longer sort a playlist by A-Z, Date Added etc. on the mobile app?

Can we have this functionality back please. Or maybe just roll back this very bad 'update'. - thank you 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 26 replies
  • November 30, 2023
darrenhealy1 wrote:

Dear Deezer,

Why can I no longer sort a playlist by A-Z, Date Added etc. on the mobile app?

Can we have this functionality back please. Or maybe just roll back this very bad 'update'. - thank you 

Hey. You can still sort them. However, as expected with this misguided rebrad, it been made harder now. You need to go to the 3 dot menu and find the sort function all the way down the list of options. 


  • Runaway Baby
  • 10 replies
  • November 30, 2023

Thank you Bart,

I would not have found that. Wonder what they decided to put it in there.

I accidentally hit the giant play button while trying to select the three dots because of the scrolling. Why, dear god is that play button so big. #facepalm.

Also the three dots button jumps, yes JUMPS around as the huge album art also jumps up and down the screen. I guess Deezer meant for this to scroll. But so far that album art has only scrolled for me a few times. I wish it just wasn't there, it would make things so much easier. When you think about it, it's already present as thumbnails for each song. I know lots of people on this forum, Play Store and other forums have complained about the scrolling of this huge album art.


Dear Deezer Team,

Are you even reading the comments on this forum?

Nina Nebo
Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 4647 replies
  • November 30, 2023

Hi @darrenhealy1 


To sort playlist by A-Z, Date Added etc. on the mobile app you need 

tap on heart Favorites 

find playlists tap on arrow to open 



now you can sort playlist :

Recently added
Recently updated
Recently listened to
A - Z




Maybe you have technical difficulties on your phone if  three dots button jumps !?


  • Tiny Dancer
  • 26 replies
  • November 30, 2023
darrenhealy1 wrote:

Thank you Bart,

I would not have found that. Wonder what they decided to put it in there.

I accidentally hit the giant play button while trying to select the three dots because of the scrolling. Why, dear god is that play button so big. #facepalm.

Also the three dots button jumps, yes JUMPS around as the huge album art also jumps up and down the screen. I guess Deezer meant for this to scroll. But so far that album art has only scrolled for me a few times. I wish it just wasn't there, it would make things so much easier. When you think about it, it's already present as thumbnails for each song. I know lots of people on this forum, Play Store and other forums have complained about the scrolling of this huge album art.


Dear Deezer Team,

Are you even reading the comments on this forum?

The answer is simple. It was designed by a deranged art studio that put all its effort into looks rather than usability.... Evidently, they failed on both fronts 😆
