
Deezer for Mac – sync with system theme

Related products: Desktop/Web

Why not let Deezer pick up the theme used in OS and sync with it when it changes during the day? Now only Deezer and Teams remain a pair of my apps that don’t support this feature.

As Deezer is Electron-based, not too much dev work is involved. Please refer to:

Hello @Endorphinity

Could you please give me more information on this idea? 

I am not sure I understand… 

Are you talking about the desktop app? Is it not picking up the mode that you chose on your browser? 



They are asking for Deezer to follow the system dark or light mode automatically.

It’s a must have indeed.

Currently, it’s a manual setting, Deezer is either Dark or Light independently from the system switching mode.

I am talking about desktop app which presenty cannot switch its theme in sync with macOS. 

Hey @Endorphinity ! 

Thanks for your idea! This isn't on the plans for now but let's try and get the most votes possible! 💪🏽

Good luck! 

NewNot for now