Background: I have a Deezer Family subscription and I am the Admin. I have a few kids who have devices of their own and I’d want to let them listen to music with their own devices. I am aware, that kids are too young to have their own Deezer Accounts yet and that I can login with my own Deezer Account on their devices and setup a profile for them.
Problem is that kids can escape their own profiles just like that. I can set content filters (e.g. mark profiles as kids’ profile), but it’s pretty much useless if they can just switch profiles however they like.
So, it would be great if switching off from a kids profile would ask either a password (or preferably a PIN code) of the parent who has actually logged in with a Deezer Account into each kid’s device.
This is a question/feature request that has been here earlier, but they have been marked as “already exists” while that is not true at all:
- Joining as independent account cannot be done as my kids are still too young to have Deezer accounts of their own, according to Deezers Terms of Service
- While an adult can actually setup profiles for kids with required level of content filtering, child can still escape their profile whenever they want.
So, please disallow profile switching without a verification from Admin.