
Extra artwork for artist, album and track pages

I'd love to have more high resolution artwork on the artist, album and track pages. Currently there is only a tiny round icon on the artist page (Android app) with a square image on album pages.

* Provide a selection of pictures 

* Allow opening and zooming in them

* Allow pinning any as default artwork for that artist, album, track or play list. 

Hi there, thanks for the idea! I think it would be interesting to be able to zoom in them :)

Updated idea status NewIn discussion

I believe that this would make for a good and immersive user experience when exploring the album pages and overall giving the UI a refresh.

Given it’s been “in discussion” for about 7 months - do we have any updates on this?

I don’t see they will implement it anytime soon.

They are enough busy fighting bugs . The UI has been at Deezer basically the same for a good year now or two? The UI indeed needs some work, especially on desktop, but I don’t see it coming anytime soon.

If it changes, they will let you know.