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Shows and Radio Stations in Romania

  • December 29, 2020
  • 3 replies



I live in Romania, but I lived for almost 2 years in UK and I almost exclusively used Deezer. I loved it, because of the large variety of Podcasts and live Radio (from Germany and Romania included). I am German, but born and raised in Romania and so I am listening to content related to a lot of countries. Since I moved back to Romania I noticed that the content here is quite limited. At first, early 2020, there was not “Shows” tab and since a while ago, I think in the summer it was added to Deezer Romania. But when I search for Radio stations I only find French ones, and not even one that interests me. 


Later you added the “Country selection” to the app, which makes it very easy to find also German, UK and US content, but do not get the features of those countries. I noticed that in terms of podcasts at least for Romania you are missing almost every important local podcasts. When I look into the shows section with Romania as country selected I have more French podcasts then Romanian ones (which honestly rarely exist). I don’t speak French, so it is irrelevant to have more French then local content in terms of podcasts, not to mention that I can only find French Radio stations when searching the word “Radio”. I just want the exact same features I had in the UK. I know, it is almost impossible to have it all at once, but at least in terms of Podcast content could you please make an update for Romania as well? As I said, I am interested in Podcasts and Radio Stations that are in English, German and Romanian language. It would be great to have an Audiobooks Tab as well, because I love the audiobook collection that you have on Deezer. Germany already has an additional App for that. This is not so pressing, because I keep the audiobook in the playlists Tab and am happy about the audiobooks provided - it is way better then what Spotify and Apple Music has. 

One last thing, I would really like it if we from other countries could really access the content of the selected countries. For example I still can’t listen to any German Disney Audiobook (Storyteller version) and the ones in English are partially missing. It might have something to do with the rights you have for that content, but as nowadays there are a lot of people traveling and moving around the world,  and speakers of that language are living in a lot of different countries and also want to give their children a way to listen and learn great content in their native language - like in my case - it would bring a lot of joy to your listeners around the globe to connect to their language, culture and what more. 

If at some point you will also bring music videos and lyrics for almost all the music that is available, like Apple Music does at the moment, it would draw all the attention from Youtube, Radio Apps and any other Music Streaming Client in the world. 

Sorry for the novel I wrote, I was just bringing my concern, whish and some extra ideas that could help make Deezer the best experience a listener could have.


Thank You and Best Regards,


Thomas Weiss

3 replies

  • Deezer Staff
  • 29 replies
  • December 29, 2020

Hi @Thomasweiss

This is really useful feedback! Thanks for taking the time to write such a detailed and thoughtful post. I’ve forwarded your comments to the relevant team. :relaxed:




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