
Crypto payment method implementation

I’ve talk with the deezer account on twitter and also in the play store (android user) about accepting cryptocurrencies as payment methods. For me in venezuela would be much easier to pay the subscription.


Please consider it, it’d be a really great marketing platform and you would really help millions  to get access to great music in a great platform

hummm, interesting… But I guess it would be hard to use this to pay the artists...

Updated idea status FeedbackIn discussion

But if your business model doesn't fix with storing crypto you could use them like a medium of exchange. There are various businesses tackling this by exchanging the crypto you (deezer) receives into fiat.

Please, as of right now I'm struggling with the payment because my prepaid debit card did no came so now I have to make so much extra steps for getting family premium again

Coingate may be a payment integration worth looking into. Customers can pay in a variety of crypto, and Coingate exchanges to fiat for the client/Deezer