
Add dislike or blacklist button to tracks

At now Deezer have "like" button for tracks, that add track to favourite list.

But when listening tracks very often I hear the song which I want to add in blacklist and never listen again.

Please add "dislike" or "blacklist" button to track for manage disliked tracks and exclude it from flow, recommendations and other dynamic compilations.

Also this info will help you to do more friendly Flow and Recommendations for your users, and good info for public playlist owners for remove mostly disliked items.

Let's pin this to the idea @Rob Igo - thanks a lot, the devs were made aware :wink:

It would be nice to make a proper black list of the artists i don’t want to listen to.  The blacklist should be manageable, so i can add/remove the artists there.

The same should be applicable to songs.

Our devs have been kept up-to-date about this need for improvement @MoRS thanks for supporting us to do so!

The filter is amazing, but…

On Google Play Music you can like or dislike songs in releases. This helped me to not listen “bad songs” again when coming back to release. Now when I filter the song from flow etc. I can not see filtering in the release bundle and I may end up listening it again when I am on release later on.

GPM feature I liked

This one feature I found value in GPM. Play counts, dislike and like… easy to see unheard liked songs with less streams, or not to spent a second on bad remixes again… please implement further.

Hi @hpguru, we appreciate the honest feedback :slight_smile: we’ll be forwarding it to the teams, thanks a lot!

I’m really missing a way to never listen a song again.

I understand the “Dislike” button, it does not appear in the flow anymore, but I don’t use the flow, I listen music by listening to full albums most of the time, and I badly need a way to flag songs I simply don’t want to listen, each time I listen to an album (or playlist, or whatever).

This is different from “dislike”, it would be more of a “block” button.

Thanks for sharing your opinion with us @fourmi4x 

The block button was the first thing that sprung to mind when I read your reply. It's a bit of a challenge for us, but something like this here could be on the cards :wink:

I'll be forwarding your comments to the teams in charge of these features.

Could you add a “Don’t show/listen again” the same way youtube does please?


Once in a while Deezer propose a very unpleasant song and it makes me want to vomit. Not nice. I would like to make sure I’m not propose the song/artist again. :)


Thanks xxx

Hey @tetracool 

Thanks for getting in touch with us about this. Please see here on our support page for more info :wink:

@Rob Igo I agree. I listen to Deezer for years now, and I already have prepared a playlist with the name ‘banlist’. It contains 722 songs so far. I would like to have an option to mark any playlist as banlist so Deezer never plays a song when it is part of the banlist. .When I listen to someone elses playlist, it would show the banlisted song, maybe in a different color, but just skip it. As a banlist-playlist,  dislike is not so hard set, and can be altered easily depending on situation. And the management is already part of the structure of the software without much coding work.

Dislike is absolutely needed.

The system can easily decide which songs are suitable for a listener.

Some folks (as seen at Facebook) are unable to understand, there are 3 kinds of ratings for a given thing: +1 when the song is good, 0 if it is neutral and -1 if it is concretely disliked and it’s irritating.

The dislike feature is for many a question of marketing, a buried fear that some folks will dislike everything…

There is absolutely a need to tell the system: look, this song is a totally no-no for me. Why is that hard to understand this and implement this?

Please add a proper account wide black list to block songs/albums/artists from being played anywhere for the account. I left Spotify because this feature isn’t available on all platforms. Please note that Spotify features “Hide this song”, for songs, or “Do not play this”, for artists, do not work on every platform.

I don’t trust that and AI (like Flow) is going to know why I blacklisted something so I’d prefer if it didn’t use these for future song selections.

Dislike was a good feature. I don’t know why was removed.

It tells to the system that I don’t like the song (no matter if it’s from my favorite band).