
Add dislike or blacklist button to tracks

At now Deezer have "like" button for tracks, that add track to favourite list.

But when listening tracks very often I hear the song which I want to add in blacklist and never listen again.

Please add "dislike" or "blacklist" button to track for manage disliked tracks and exclude it from flow, recommendations and other dynamic compilations.

Also this info will help you to do more friendly Flow and Recommendations for your users, and good info for public playlist owners for remove mostly disliked items.
Hi @MurzNN

if you choose a artist mix or for instance flow (which is an instance mix of your favourites and suggestions based on your favourites) you will be given the option on each song to dislike (heart with the cross/strike through) which means that track won't be suggested again (and I've found with over 1000 favourite tracks it learns quickly!).

If you're listen to a standard playlist or album then unfortunately it's a set playlist or album so will always play when you chose that album. You can skip the track as soon as it starts playing (I read somewhere that even that is "noted" by the clever Deezer brains and it's then less likely to be suggestion in your mix or flow) :)

I hope that helps a little!
you will be given the option on each song to dislike (heart with the cross/strike through)

Ok, thanks, but how can I lookup list of my disliked songs for review/edit?

Also I want to mark songs as disliked in playlists & albums for make my Flow better.
I don't think there's a visible list of songs you dislike, however if you know of a song you've disliked or don't one by mistake you can always search for it and then "like/heart" it 🙂
Thanks, so this topic have 2 my suggestions:

1. Add list of user dislikes for user review / manage.

2. Add dislike option for all songs (in playlists, albums, artists, etc) for tune up Flow by this info.
Hi @MurzNN, I'm just scrolling through our ideas forum to then send those ideas to our team. The topic itself is a bit confusing 🙂 As @Rob Igo, we can't provide a dislike button for playlists which are not yours. You can of course just create your own playlist and only move the tracks you actually like :)

Regarding "Provide a list of disliked tracks for user": I think that's a great idea, but I'd suggest you create a new topic for that idea to make sure others understand what you mean and vote for it 😉
My main suggestion is kept with current topic - when I listen not my playlist, I want to tune-up my Flow too, so I want to have Dislike button always - for add current playing song into my dislike list, for never hear current song in my Flow, and this action will not touch not my playlist and other not own things.

And about "Provide a list of disliked tracks for user" - yes, I create separate topic:
As vezes uma música que gosto muito trás lembranças ruins. Mas como ela ja está na minha playlist a muito tempo eu não consigo tirar ela da minha flow.

E isso é um problema sério. Eu gosto de usar a "flow" por diversos motivos (conhecer músicas novas por exemplo ). Mas é muito chato escutar músicas que lembram coisas ou momentos ruins. Por favor criem uma playlists de músicas proibidas para tocar nos modos aleatórios. Urgente!!!!!!! Já estou pra desistir de programa...faz tempo que peço isso...
@pablue check this idea here and vote for it - exactly what you need 🙂
pablue check this idea here and vote for it - exactly what you need :)

Thanks for answering @Shannon

Conforme disse MurzNN :

1. Add list of user dislikes for user review / manage.

2. Add dislike option for all songs (in playlists, albums, artists, etc) for tune up Flow by this info.

The simpler the better.
I think the title says it all...

When someone choose dislike, the app should ask whether the disliked item refers to Song or Artist or entire genre (id est if I'm Israeli for exempli gratia it doesn't necessarily mean I want to hear Yam Tichony (Mediterranean music))...
hi, i like deezer so much, but sometimes flow proposes to me tracks and musicians that im really hate! i think, i need dislike button beside like (heart) button...i think it makes my, and not only mine flow playlist better. Thanks!
Absolutely agree... I want to be able to drop songs out of a flow, and block them from showing up again.
hi, i like deezer so much, but sometimes flow proposes to me tracks and musicians that im really hate! i think, i need dislike button beside like (heart) button...i think it makes my, and not only mine flow playlist better. Thanks!

Please see above 🙂
Hi, I use to play, it's free and have dislike button since years ago, then I search songs and add new songs to my Deezer. Then I use Flow on my own songs.
if you choose a artist mix or for instance flow (which is an instance mix of your favourites and suggestions based on your favourites) you will be given the option on each song to dislike (heart with the cross/strike through) which means that track won't be suggested again (and I've found with over 1000 favourite tracks it learns quickly!).

No, I don't think so. The cross is only a kind of blacklist, something like "don't play this song again". It does indeed work as "don't suggest again", except that it's not use for giving better suggestions, it just removes this songs from flows / mixes /etc.

That's why it's not a dislike but a cross.

Would it be a dislike, it would be present in the player for each and every song even in albums and playlists.

If you're listen to a standard playlist or album then unfortunately it's a set playlist or album so will always play when you chose that album. You can skip the track as soon as it starts playing (I read somewhere that even that is "noted" by the clever Deezer brains and it's then less likely to be suggestion in your mix or flow) :)

Really not sure about that. Actually, I'd think that even though Deezer does know that you've skipped a track, it does not take this into account at all.

If it does, then it raises questions : when will a skipped track be counted as dismissed ? When skipped immediately ? When skipped at the middle of the song ? What if I only skip a very long ending, but actually listened to 95% of the song ?

Too complicated, I think they just don't bother with this.
Sometimes it's just fun to go through the song listings of albums and playlists and click which songs you like and which songs you HATE!!!!!

There should be a dislike button on every song all the time so I can click it!

That is why I prefer youtube. There is a dislike button under every video. Part of enjoying and engaging with the content is getting to share my disliking of it.
Hey @musicJoe

Thanks for the feedback, we're working on this 😉

I’d hide the dislike button in a menu. It’s not going to be used often enough to warrant it being on screen. 

how is this different from “dont recommend this track”?

I think we need dislike button in every screen of playing music. There are a lot of tracks I don’t want to listen to and I need to mark them.

Dislike button is a polemic topic. Some platforms like youtube are having problems because haters , without viewing or listening, increased the number of dislikes , so new people when see statistics think it isn’t worth it, or inspire them to clic dislike button.
Facebook decided not to have a dislike button, instead of that they use emoticons.
And Instagram, on the other side, decided to hide the count of likes, to avoid people voting based on the opinion of others.

Here it could have relation with payments. If an artist has too many dislikes, s/he will lost money. And probably not all, but most of dislikes could be work of haters.

Well, if Deezer doesn’t show dislike public count, it could be better.

I like this idea, but i see that kind of problems which can be the reason of why they don’t have implemented it yet.

After hearing this song, I definitely want to be able to tell Deezer which song I dislike, even when I’m not playing Flow or a Mix. I don’t care if it doesn’t stop it from playing, but I want Deezer to know I never want to hear this song or anything like it 🙂 Tune the recommendations, even when you’re not using a recommendations-engine.


That's an important point you made, @teqteq. That way we get more input to improve other recommendations. Thanks for your support, we'll be passing it on straight away :wink:

Maybe this was already planned cuz it seems it’s now in iOS beta 👍


This is exactly what I was preparing to submit. Please allow us to dislike songs and skip them from lists of songs.

I think the don’t recommend this track/dislike track should stop it playing in any playlist anytime (like Spotify’s )