
Convert To Mp3 While We Upload?

I have all my songs in flac format or other formats and It´s a pain convert them all. just to upload it 
to deezer. I would like deezer to allow us upload any format and deezer can do the conversion.
just like youtube does with their videos deezer could convert them to mp3 and upload them done.

It would take longer time to upload but It would fix needing to convert one by one all my tracks.

Hi @Sergi.Sanz 

This is a good suggestion - although it'll take quite a few resources to be developed and it only benefits users who can upload MP3s in the first place. So it'll be added to our backlog to be considered at a later stage :v_tone2:

If you have Flac songs why do you want to reduce quality? Instead of that, just allow us to upload Flac, if that song isn’t in Deezer.