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Why is search auto-entering while I type?

  • 26 May 2024
  • 7 replies

Why the **** is the search auto-entering when I type? Why is this a feature? Especially when the search bar loses focus and I all of a sudden start triggering the keyboard shortcuts??

Who thought that it was a good idea instead of a suggestion list like other search bars??


Like, how did this get past testing and into production?

And why, at the very least, is there no option to turn off this god-awful functionality?

7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

I’m using the webbrowser on my Chromebook and the Android app, I don’t experience this. I do find the searchbar working without any problems.

Which deveice are you using?


Userlevel 2

This is the website, as the tags suggest. Tried on FF and Edge. Both jump the gun if I don’t type fast enough. Windows 10, but that shouldn’t matter for website functionality.

Userlevel 2


Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Hi @m4a4 !


I have Windows 10 pro  and I don't see any problem in search .

Above is the Deezer web search and it should be fast , because you are on Deezer WEB version .



On Deezer app for Desktop there is no web search 



You can turn off  this functionality if you download Deezer Dektop app


Userlevel 2

So, if you type a little slow while you type in a name, you’re saying you haven’t seen anything wonky happen? Because it’s happened to me enough times to get pissed off about it. Had it change a bunch of settings because the shortcuts happened instead.

And it only is happening because the website now insists on searching the second I type too slow. WHY DO I WANT IT TO SEARCH AFTER A CHARACTER OR TWO. Let me type out as much as I want out and hit ‘enter’ like before.

Or have a separate autocomplete I can select if I want (like Google or ANY OTHER SEARCH ENGINE). None of this BS rushed searching taking away my input’s focus.


And no, I’m not downloading an app to “fix” this new functionality. That is not acceptable. Especially when this obtuse search functionality isn’t precedence for search bars.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Until recently, various suggestions were made below the search bar that you could choose from. That no longer exists. Instead the URL changes as @m4a4 described.

I think it should be possible for the search to only start after you press "Enter" manually. A case for the developers, who are obviously fiddling with the web version anyway.

Personally, the behavior doesn't bother me that much. Still, I can completely understand @m4a4.

Userlevel 2

I’m not sure which track it’s referring to, but thanks auto-enter for triggering random shortcuts again!
