Hi there @Johann.Strydom
Thank you for your honest feedback. I'm particularly intrigued by number 3 and 4. I'll forward your comments on.
About number 1, which platform are you referring to? We've got crossfade on iOS and Android (Beta versions). In relation to number 2, we've recently released Gapless playback - for more info, please see here 
And finally, what radio stations are missing? We also offer radio stations, in several countries at the moment 
Good day.
Please look also at 10 great Google Music features Deezer should have tomorrow.
Look and vote here.
Just to jump in on this Radio Stations on Spotify are like "Artist Radio" not live radio. Cross fade is available on Deezer iOS and Android Beta but not desktop (but is on Spotify along with automix)
My Apologies, I meant that Spotify lacks the radio feature, not us on Deezer.
I mainly use Android platforms, based in South Africa, maybe not rolled out here yet.
But its promising knowing that you are working on the features.
I was on Spottily Free not so long ago.
The one feature attracted me and my mind.
I can not sleep now because of this thing. And it is track suggestions after each list.
Easy to curate playlists, especially if you need some recommendations fast.
On Deezer Premiere service I use curating lists is not hard with FLOW, but sometimes I just want some more, or some of my lists are not often updated because of my laziness probably. It asks simply too much, when you usually like to listen certain genre and no time for another.
I have some list for lesser heard genres, and updating them is a pain on Deezer.
Flow may not play recommendations, if you do not play that genre for the longer time.
This is why recommendation system could help Deezerfans the most.
Most of the times I do not know where to start for recommendations on Deezer Premium plan. Trackmixes are mostly not working for music I listen, FLOW can play the same liked tracks.
I hope they’d made it easier to discover, not to hear it again all day.
I was on Spottily Free not so long ago.
The one feature attracted me and my mind.
I can not sleep now because of this thing. And it is track suggestions after each list.
Easy to curate playlists, especially if you need some recommendations fast.
On Deezer Premiere service I use curating lists is not hard with FLOW, but sometimes I just want some more, or some of my lists are not often updated because of my laziness probably. It asks simply too much, when you usually like to listen certain genre and no time for another.
I have some list for lesser heard genres, and updating them is a pain on Deezer.
Flow may not play recommendations, if you do not play that genre for the longer time.
This is why recommendation system could help Deezerfans the most.
Most of the times I do not know where to start for recommendations on Deezer Premium plan. Trackmixes are mostly not working for music I listen, FLOW can play the same liked tracks.
I hope they’d made it easier to discover, not to hear it again all day.
i need this. sometimes i want recommendations only for my black metal list, sometimes only for my slow rock list. this would be awesome.
Thanks for adding to the discussion @tarik_alp_onar @hpguru it's really beneficial for us to have all sorts of feedback around this 
We have flow, mixes, country selector, mood change, lyrics and live radios which Spotify doesn’t have. Also I heard they’re working on gapless too.
Gapless for desktop, yes @Mr. Jahrami 
Thank you for your support over the years! Where have you been?
Let's keep in touch here in the community during 2021. Happy New Year, by the way!
Thanks @Rudi
Great to see Gapless ok Deezer but I believe it’s not on iOS yet. Can’t wait to try it out.
It is available for iOS @Mr. Jahrami but not all content in MP3 has gapless encoded - that could be the reason. All FLAC (HiFi) content is automatically gapless-enabled 
Give us an example, I can look into that for you.
Good evening, I friend recently joined Spotify and was showing me a number of features that i would love to see on Deezer.
- Crossfading between tracks
- Gapless playback: Which allows for gapless playback of songs, specifically created for live concerts or dj mixes
- Automix: Allows for a smooth transition between tracks in a playlist
- Canvas: this plays short looping images of the album art or artist on a mobile device.
All these i really enjoyed and would love the functionality of them in Deezer.
One great feature that still out trumps is the availability of live radio stations.
Canvas. Big plus 
5. Control your playback at any device what have. I dont wanna see any announcements of "u can only use one device at the time..". If i start playback from device 1. I wanna control that playback from any device what i have under my account. Spotify connect ki guess..
Thanks for the feedback @iAmFinn
For the remote feature, we've started working on it. But in the meantime, add your support by voting here:
Thanks for the feedback @iAmFinn
For the remote feature, we've started working on it. But in the meantime, add your support by voting here:
Ohh, nice! Ty!
Just add more spotify features to deezer to make it better and get more subscribers? why not?
like to queue any song to play efter the one that is playing. and cast from Windows app.
why not? obvious functions.. if i did not have the family price from a friend i would use sporitfy.