Using my new NAD C368 with my Deezer through the BluOS integrated in de NAD. Searching for an album from My Albums to listen to is terrible in the BlueOS app, since there is no specific sorting in the BluOS interface (“recently added”).
I am used to see a sorting in the Deezer app of albums first by artist and then alphabetically. This is a proper sort to allow me to checkout what I want to listen to. Just like I had sorted my CDs in the past (by artist first and than by year of issuance). Is there a way to get such a sort in Deezer through the BluOS interface instead of the "recently added" sort?
I am not so happy with the interface of Deezer in BluOS, while this is one of the few premium audio interfaces in the market… I hate to change audio platform for this, but the NAD is staying...