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new playlists layout is bad

  • 10 May 2022
  • 1 reply

I noticed that since some months ago the “most played first” type of organization/filtering on the playlists had vanished on pc (started a topic but wasn’t answered :/) but at least on the mobile version everything was fine.

Until now. I don’t know if this is intended but as opposite from the albums page, the playlists page has a whole different layout where the covers are really small and you can’t switch that, also the organization/filtering now doesn’t have the “most played”


then (now only in albums)
then (now only in albums) these big covers were so beautiful
now :(


I guess it’s intended but i’d like to say the older version was so much more practical and also prettier, it’d be good if the “most played” were added again and this organization in lines were kept BUT there was a way to switch to the one with big covers side by side.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hello there @Arthurrx

if you close the sorting menu, you will see there are 2 icons, 

one to display the albums the way you see on the screenshot, 

and another one to see them as a list. 

You can change it back there! 
