
Bands share same top songs etc.

  • 1 August 2022
  • 5 replies

The band The Halo Effect shares site with The Hall Effect, which is in a completely different genre. Please fix it soon, The Halo Effects complete first album will release 12th August.

5 replies

Aha that might be on a search they both came up sharing landing site.

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hello @Wolfwalker

Can you send me the link of the artist page they share? 

Does The Halo Effects have other releases? 


It was just on a search they both came up as results, i use the desktop app. Do not know how to get link in there.

The Halo Effect got their own band site so there is probably nothing wrong. I am new to the app :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Is this the page you are talking about?

Can you tell me the titles of the releases that belong to the “Halo effect”? 


It solved it self, I was on the wrong page. The search found both but they have their own songs where they should be. I didnt see i was on the search page at first. Now there is just a click and i am on the bandpage.

All is fine.
