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All songs by an artist

Hi! I used to listen to my favorite band’s songs when I played the artist…but now it only plays their top tracks…so I was wondering if there’s a way I can play an artist’s whole discography?

Best answer by Nina Nebo

Ok , @BDean 
here is another way to play all top tracks from one artist on PC .

Find name of artist which you like and click .

Now is open Discography 

click on TOP TRACKS




Now click on PLAY on song (if you chose first song ,now will be play in order all songs after )

I was try second  play song La Isla Bonita  ...after was playing third Hung Up



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Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 1474 replies
  • August 13, 2023

Can you tell us which artist so that we can take a look?

Yes! It’s Pierce the Veil. 

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • August 14, 2023

Was going to start a thread, but found this one. I’ve had the same problem, and it seems to have gone straight across Rock artists. So far I’ve found at least a dozen bands that ‘Top Tracks’ now only show two or three tracks. Linkin Park and Disturbed only show 1 each. This is really annoying, since easy access to an artists whole discography was one of the better features on the app.

Nina Nebo
Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 4715 replies
  • August 14, 2023

Hi @gabrielaltrejo @BDean  !

On PC you can find this  (same is on android )
292  tracks Linkin Park 


and 296 track Pierce the Veil



Or you can  made your own playlist with whole discography of artist which you like !

Just put all songs on playlist !

Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 1023 replies
  • August 14, 2023

@gabrielaltrejo @BDean 

It is just as easy to see a full tracklist on the mobile apps. I’ve attached screenshots from iOS and Android. Just tap on the circled area. The reason for the abbreviated list is that the initial artist search result is an overview and offers the user an opportunity to select from several options, including tracks, albums, playlists, and discographies.

If I’m missing something here, please attach a screenshot so we can further assist you.



  • Tiny Dancer
  • 2 replies
  • August 15, 2023

When I posted yesterday, that see more tracks button was gone, and the only track in Linkin Park's Top Tracks was In The End. Not sure if it was just the app screwing up or what, but it was doing the same thing for a few other artists. I glanced through a few just now and they seem to be fixed. And playing off of the top results tracks list doesn't work because that will play random shit constantly. Like right now, it just switched from Linkin Park to 50 Cent. Why? I have no clue but it's annoying as hell.

Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 1023 replies
  • August 15, 2023
BDean wrote:

When I posted yesterday, that see more tracks button was gone, and the only track in Linkin Park's Top Tracks was In The End. Not sure if it was just the app screwing up or what, but it was doing the same thing for a few other artists. I glanced through a few just now and they seem to be fixed. And playing off of the top results tracks list doesn't work because that will play random shit constantly. Like right now, it just switched from Linkin Park to 50 Cent. Why? I have no clue but it's annoying as hell.


Sounds like maybe a little glitch with your app. I would double check to make sure it's fully updated, and maybe restart your device. And you shouldn't hear any other artists, unless you accidentally tapped “launch track mix,” in which case it will blend similar artists with your chosen artist.

Nina Nebo
Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 4715 replies
  • August 16, 2023

You're right @BDean 
When you open all tracks from Linkin Park ,and start play one of them ,then is playing only that song and then next is playing random mix of tracks which are not from that  artist .

I sugest you to create your new playlist .
When you do that then play all songs which are there . Also you can manage with all songs which are on your playlist  however you like .You can remove song from playlist what is double song or if you don't like ,or can put songs in order you like to play .


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Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 1023 replies
  • August 16, 2023

@BDean you’ve tried this, I take it? This is my go-to, just hitting “play” on the artist’s page. It will run for hours and never fails me.


Nina Nebo
Deezer Legend
  • Deezer Legend
  • 4715 replies
  • Answer
  • August 16, 2023

Ok , @BDean 
here is another way to play all top tracks from one artist on PC .

Find name of artist which you like and click .

Now is open Discography 

click on TOP TRACKS




Now click on PLAY on song (if you chose first song ,now will be play in order all songs after )

I was try second  play song La Isla Bonita  ...after was playing third Hung Up



  • Tiny Dancer
  • 1 reply
  • December 9, 2024

Hi! I'm relatively new here and I was wondering, if there would be a way to play the whole discography of an artist...? Now there is 1) top tracks to play on random or 2) a possibility to create a playlists, where user can add albums one by one to create that playable discography. Since there already is a discography page, why not add a play button that starts to play all the albums from the beginning until the end on chronologic order? Saves a lot of work from user since that info is already there. It just needs a play button. Is it possible?



It seems for now there is no option to listen or add everything form an artist. Adding everything to a playlist is so inconvenient (try with artists with dozens of albums). And you can’t even add an album to playlist, just via select all songs. Top tracks are limited by 100 so not an option for many artists.

Please add play all button.