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I know the issue seems to have been discussed in previous posts, but I noticed albums are still not showing on some artist’s pages even though they do exist when I search for them manually (and are rightly tagged as created by the artist).

I’m specifically thinking about Jonathan Young ( ), I can only find three of his older albums although he has many more, both older (eg ) and recent (eg ).

I’m not even notified of his new releases on Deezer, even though I tagged him as favorite, so I have to painstakingly search manually for each of his new songs and add them to a custom playlist in order to have a quick access to them.

Could you fix this please ?

Hi ​@hugemetalfan It should be fixed now.
Please let me know.
Thanks :) 

Hi ​@hugemetalfan It should be fixed now.
Please let me know.
Thanks :) 


Hi ​@Jaime.Deezer ,

The albums are back where they belong, thank you very much !

Have a nice day :)

This can be attributed to syncing, metadata errors, or delays that are platform-specific. Refresh the page, clear the cache, or re-upload the album. If the problem continues, ask for a resolution from the support team of the platform.
