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How many years are we going to wait to fix Shuffle that is repetitive?

I repeat the question When poor Shuffle is going to be fixed ? My two friends already dumped Deezer (switched to Spotify) because of it & asks me to do the same each time they hear how my Deezer Shuffle (not) works.

it’s been years now.. o am getting tired of it.. especially knowing Deezer is expensive too!  That’s sad  I am not getting what I payed for. 
That is also sad I have more than 2000 songs but I am allowed to listen only 50 of it cause shuffle works terrible ..

I'm just warning you Deezer You keep ignoring us, we keep leaving you. 

5 replies

Alien SuperStar

Hi @Karolina Charylo sorry to hear you're dealing with this.

To better understand the issue with songs repeating on shuffle, could you give me more details? Additionally, could you let me know:

• What kind of device are you using? (Brand and model)

• Which operating system is on your device? (Android, iOS, Windows, or Mac)

• If you're using our app, do you know which version of Deezer is installed?

Have you tried anything to fix it yet? Thanks for your help!

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 131 replies
  • December 18, 2023

One of the reasons I left Apple Music a few years ago is because I thought their “shuffle” was ineffective as I seemed to hear many of the same tunes repeatedly. I have seen this same complaint about other services as well. Currently I feel my most played playlist seems to be rather random, but it has over 6000 tracks. It would be interesting to know how the shuffle feature actually works, and how our own perceptions affect what we think we are hearing. Would it be difficult to add a feature that does not allow the same track to be played within a specified time frame?

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 54 replies
  • December 18, 2023

@Karolina Charylo : Maybe a little late, but I am working on a small website to try improving shuffle and flow on deezer. If your 2000+ songs are in  your favorite tracks and albums, you should give it a shot. It will make a reverse sorted (and a little shuffled) playlist of your favorites tracks and albums.


The website is . As a bonus, you will get listen stats :) Hopefully, it helps.

Hi again,

I need to apologize everyone & would like to close the topic about shuffle not working. I now admit it was my fault Deezer didn’t work properly. 
I find out that on one of my devices Deezer wasn’t updated, After updating iPod shuffle songs works great. 

Alien SuperStar

Hi @Karolina Charylo, thank you for letting us know. Everything is now okay.

If you need help in the future, please don't hesitate to contact us again.