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Where is the so-called ‘experience’ that deezer talks so much about?

  • November 26, 2023
  • 1 reply


Deezer, with its new vision of becoming a platform for experience in everything related to music, seems to be in decline, due to several factors:

  • Inattention to the Global Community: The company has been accused of not listening to its global community, with several features requested by users being ignored and several bugs reported some time ago still unresolved.
  • Removal of Features and Discontinuation on Some Platforms: Recently, it was informed by the French community that the Deezer app for Xbox has been discontinued. Link
  • Unnecessary Rebranding: The company carried out a rebranding that many consider unnecessary at the moment, mainly due to the worsening of the user experience.
  • Ineffective Marketing: The company’s marketing has been criticized for being arrogant and ironic with users on social networks, giving the impression that the marketing team is made up of children.

1 reply

Alien SuperStar

Hi @Gabriel.Eugenio.Dvoranen, thanks for your message.

The response to your feedback has already been provided on the Portuguese Community.

Your experience matters, and I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
