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Why is it called a Queue, when it's really a History?

I would really love an actual Queue, where I can see the next 10 or 100 songs coming up in the playlist. This is the definition of Queue - a line, or sequence - of songs to come. The “Queue” on Deezer shows only history (most of the time! It has inexplicably shown a few songs ahead about once out of every hundred times I click on it!).

14 replies

Alien SuperStar

Hi @Todd Freeman, to understand how Queue works on Deezer, visit this Deezer-Cloud-Based-Queue-List article.
I hope it clarifies all your doubts.

  • Author
  • Runaway Baby
  • 2 replies
  • June 22, 2023

That does not answer anything to do with my question. Thanks, though. The question is “why isn’t the queue really a queue?” When FLOW is in charge of the queue, why can’t I look at list of upcoming songs? This makes no sense.

Alien SuperStar

Hi @Todd Freeman, the flow is the dynamic list, so it will be molded according to the musical tastes of the user. If there was a predetermined queue, the flow would not be readjusted whenever the user pressed the angry face and therefore the flow would continue playing the same genre of music.

  • Tiny Dancer
  • 12 replies
  • June 30, 2023

Queue only shows the future when the future is predetermined. You'll see this if you go play a Playlist or add songs to queue etc. Flow is truly dynamic so can't be predicted as Leonidia mentions so there's nothing to show you until the song plays


This is simply not true. You can see upcoming songs in the mobile application. On the web app, if you hover your mouse pointer over the “Next” button, to the right of “Play”, it will show you what the next track will be. This goes to show that the above is just a poor excuse from Deezer.


The “Angry face” button has nothing to do with the issue. Flow could show a few upcoming songs, and change them if you pressed that button. It’s not like it decides the very last second what it will play next. It knows at least what the next one song will be, as noted above.

Alien SuperStar

Hi @EpsilonSigma,  thanks for sharing this.
However, in the near future we don’t have planes to create a queue list for the Flow. But it is a fair point what was mention above.


But you already have a queue list for Flow. It works in the iOS app. You just need to make sure that mobile, desktop and web apps all work the same.

Lucky Star
  • Lucky Star
  • 131 replies
  • July 3, 2023
EpsilonSigma wrote:

But you already have a queue list for Flow. It works in the iOS app. You just need to make sure that mobile, desktop and web apps all work the same.

Where do you find the due? In my iOS I have recently played, but I do not see a que? 

Alien SuperStar

​Hi @EpsilonSigma , can you share a screenshot with the queue list for Flow on iOS.


Hi @Leonídia.Deezer . Unfortunately, I can’t, because Deezer won’t even let me look at the homepage if I don’t pay 11 EUR a month.

Alien SuperStar

Hi @EpsilonSigma, I tested it on an iPhone and I can't see a queue either.
I'm sorry, but as you are unable to send the screenshot, it is not possible for me to conform the information.
Please contact our Customer Support here and share with them your information.


  • Author
  • Runaway Baby
  • 2 replies
  • July 5, 2023

To reiterate my original point - while I would love a queue - just don’t call it that when that’s not what it is. Words do have meanings. Currently, it is a “history,” not a “queue.”

As to the “dynamic” claim about Flow, I’m going to call BS on that. Spotify does virtually (exactly?) the same thing (I haven’t used any other streamers recently to compare), but it provides a list of upcoming songs when it’s doing the picking - I just don’t want to use Spotify. If Deezer’s algorithm can’t pick the next several few songs, show that queue, and be able to adjust that list if I hit the angry face on a song, frankly that seems pretty lame.

Additionally, there have been a handful of times where the queue in Deezer DID show me about 10 or so upcoming songs?!?!?! What that just a bug? Seems like a good bug.

Alien SuperStar

Hi @Todd Freeman could you try to share a video when you get next time that preview of next tracks playing the Flow and another one where you just get the history.

I will try to push that to our developers trying to hear more about it. Thanks