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Here comes the new beta 8.0.31, we hope you will like the improvements made in this version. Do not hesitate to give your feedback!


Main updates:


▷ >concerts] When clicking on “Get tickets” in a concert detail page and when the user has no applications installed on their phone to handle the link, we now display a specific error message saying that no application was found to complete the action (instead of displaying a generic error message)



▷ favorites] There is now a specific empty state for free users in the new “Downloaded music” subpage


▷ ufavorites] In the new “Downloaded music” subpage, previously downloaded content is now greyed out and disabled for churners to show them that it is no longer playable offline with their offer

▷ ifavorites] In the new “Downloaded music” subpage, a banner is now displayed to churners with previously downloaded content


▷ .lyrics] We added a “Keep lyrics on” button in the lyrics screen so that users can keep the lyrics screen open for the next songs (instead of it automatically closing after the first track) 
The button is displayed 5 seconds before the end of the first track.
If the user clicks the button, lyrics will be displayed for the following ten songs. The button will then be displayed again on the tenth track to give users the possibility to keep lyrics displayed for the next tracks.
If the user doesn’t click the button, the lyrics screen will be automatically closed when switching to the next song.


▷ fplayer] Our color picker’s algorithm was updated in order to improve the colors displayed in the player
In particular, lightness and range values have been adjusted and a safety threshold was set to better handle black and white album covers. The objective overall is to display colors that are more diversified, accurate and consistent.
Note 1: As a reminder, color picking is the process of identifying the dominant color of an image and translating it into UI elements. You can see below what player colors will look like now:


▷ dwidgets] Widgets' look and feel was refreshed

Bug Fixes :


▷ slyrics] We made sure lyrics remain synchronized and the copyright stays adapted to the overall theme in lyrics screens when changing the orientation of the device

▷ playlist] In playlist pages, we made sure the tracklist is not automatically scrolled back to top when changing the orientation of the device

▷ oplaylist] We fixed an issue to prevent the app from crashing when opening the options menu of a playlist page that has no creator

Scroll bar in playlist is still hard to grab especially when compared to version

Also scroll bar goes down past the navigation bar at the bottom causing me to have to scroll up before the bar is visible again to use.

@Philemon: Yes, the colours! The widget! Lovin’it!

Off topic:

Is it possible that you want to test something for a Deezer user?

In combination with Android 14 then listen to the Dutch radio stations: NPO1, NPO2 and NPO3 or do they work?

Among others, Deezer user ​@markertje65 isn’t able to listen to the Dutch radio stations NPO1, NPO2 and NPO3 for example.

Please fix Deezer Connect in Android - Windows scenario 

The HiFi badge is always disappearing at random times when playing music. This is a bug that has continued for months, if not years now and it needs to be addressed.

The scrollbar navigation has never been better than this current version! Make sure to keep it as it is
